Is Bill desperate?
Over $250 million has been spent on Free Agents in the first 36 hours of the 2021 NFL season.
And the Patriots ‘aint done yet
Shouldn’t we have known there was burning desire of hate, frustration, and need to shove the collective ass of every media member and fan that doubted him for letting Brady go right down their throats?
In a surprising twist the Celtics did not blow the lead against the worst team in the league.
If they Celtics could play the Rockets every night, they might be an NBA finals favorite.
Legal Tampering is like NFL Christmas Eve
Just think, if you are the fan of a suck bag team this is the day on the 16 month calendar with the most hope.
The Piss Trough is a right of Passage
There are times in a boy’s life when he takes large steps towards manhood. One of those is his first time standing at a piss trough.