Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby, now


“If we have to shake things up, I think we will do that. Understand the expectations haven’t changed. Our group has played well, but not quite good enough. Scoring has been the Achilles heel up until this point. Hopefully we can find it from within. Or I’m going to have to make a move to bring in support.”

- Don Sweeney

I always bugged me how bad the lip syncing was in this scene, but I realized all parade acts lip sync. It was one of the clarity moments for me where I realized the rage that constantly just boils beneath the service. Hey speaking of clarity..

Yo, Don!! Welcome to the party pal. Your forwards fucking reek. You and the Bruins have been slapping Band-Aids on your secondary lines for YEARS!! I called for this at the beginning of the season. The Bruins are due for a major shake up. Your core has been in Boston cumulatively for 65 years. They are collecting social security. The problem is the top line is so good and your goalie is so consistently good that the team is always seemingly 1 move away from being a real cup contender, but are they really?

I know there has been a concerted effort to look to the future and start investing in your youth which I think is great, but they still are so hesitant on make the big move. What do I mean by big move? David Krejci. Tuukka Rask. Those were the pieces you should have been peddling in the off season. Both on the last year of their deal both with something to give and championship pedigree. I get Tuukka is tougher to get rid of because what do you have behind him, but Krejci should have been easy. You had his replacement in Coyle. You could have used his salary on a legit FA and it would have been hard not to get younger in any move.


But here we are with the trade deadline approaching and that sort of deal seems like an impossibility. Krejci’s value is trash because HE HASN’T SCORED A GOAL! And you can’t get rid of your #1 goalie in the middle of a play off push. So, bye bye DeBrusk.

Frankly, Everyone minus the top line and McAvoy are available. I want to Sweeney throw his hog out on the table and make something happen. Their entire Forwards groups below the Erection line has been dog food. You have young defensemen with upside. You have expiring contracts. You some cap space. Shake it up baby.


Do you believe in Miracles ?


The World is Bill’s Oyster