You Mac Jones lovers are the WORST

It’s no secret from the time I saw this

I was 100% out on Mac Jones. After laughing and calling him soft on social media people came out and said you go do that and tell me you wouldn’t cry. I have, I did not. Why? Because I was born at a time where you don’t act like a pussy and you wait till no one is around so no one thinks you’re a soft ass bitch. My hate for Mac continued as he pouted because he doesn’t like the play calling and it’s not my fault I threw in to double coverage and under threw the ball and it was intercepted. It’s how all these kids are now, it’s not my fault it’s everyone else’s fault now give me my participation trophy. It makes me sick.

The next and final nail in my hate for Mac Jones came today when reports were that during the season he was calling other coaches asking for advice. Some like to argue that coaches call coaches all the time and get advice and that i’m just a small brained twat that can’t get around the fact that I hate Mac and this is normal. Well let this small brained twat ask you a question. In a real world scenario, as an employee why don’t you call around to other companies that you do business with and ask them what makes them so successful and give me some help since my company is struggling. If your boss found out do you think you would have a job come the next day? Probably not. So, why is it ok for Mac to call around and ask for help instead of going to big scary Bill Belichick, his coach, his boss and ask for help or have an adult conversation?

Mac may be able to play the Quarterback position in the NFL but is he a leader? Is he someone you can depend on when shit hits the fan, like for example. You’re a franchise that your offensive coordinator just got a head coaching gig. Your head coach decides to give a guy a chance to call plays that has never done it before and is terrible at it. Are you going to pack your bags up and turtle and say its not me, its not my fault or are you going to man up figure out what works best for your team and try to lead them to victory every week.

Mac is the problem, I hope you Gen Z boobs can figure that out.


Goodell clowns the NFL again


Let the meddling begin