Why aren’t weathermen held responsible?

Every job you have consequences, don’t finish a project in time, lose a client, suck at your job more likely than not you’ll be fired. So, here in New England we were told SNOWMAGEDON!!!! 2 feet of snow, cancel everything go to the store get your supplies, toilet paper, bread, and milk. Grocery stores are a zoo, people are rude assholes since we are in New England, gas stations have lines for people to stock up on gas for plows and generators. Complete chaos all because some nerd tells us there is a blizzard coming.

But here on Saturday morning the day of the blizzard, I wake up and check my social media to see what people are saying, nothing. I stretch, scratch my self and open the blinds and to my amazement just a dusting, JUST A FUCKING DUSTING! All this outrage and concern for this massive storm and nothing. So here today I propose a 3 strike system to meteorologists. You get 3 chances to be completely wrong. today is would count as strike 1. On the 3rd strike you’re out and need to find a new profession. No more of this well at least you were prepared bullshit. In any other career you get something this wrong and embarrass yourself this bad you would be fired.

If you have no plans head down to White Birch to get your supplies, they have sours, IPAs, stouts, fruity beers you want it they have it. 460 Amherst St. Nashua NH


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