The Worst Humans Living in New England

Here in New England we are known to be rough around the edges, speak our minds freely and have a don’t give a fuck attitude. It seems to help us all get through our days which I am all for. But here in New England, during the winter when we are all miserable and hate the world, there is one group of people that we can all agree that are the worst humans.

Plow truck drivers can fuck right off. There are two types and both can fuck off. You have the city/state plow truck drivers who think they are gods gift to us all, which in reality they are cunts that always seem to come when you are almost finished clearing out your driveway just to burry you right back in. It always seems like these ass clowns have a smile on their face knowing they just blocked you in and fucked up your day even longer. The other thing they do is the Wall of Death formation on the highway, taking all 3 lanes and staggering makes it impossible to get around and go faster than 40 mph which makes you scream, flip them off and road rage like nobodies business.

The other type or the ones that clear out driveways and our their private business. These guys would like to let you know that you don’t matter and that driveway they are plowing out is America’s most important job. Fuck you!, you guys back up in snow/ice conditions thinking we should yield for you, nope I will not I will blast my horn flip you off, roll down my window and spit in your direction. How inconvenient it must be for you to yield to oncoming traffic while everyone is trying to make it home safely and you decide that isn’t the best idea, lets throw a game of frogger where I stick my stupid truck with blinking lights out in traffic and see how many accidents I can cause. Just know, this group of people are on my list of people dead to me.


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