The NFL is undefeated

So, Roger Godell calmly committed perjury yesterday.

Nothing like a quick Zoom sesh with Congress to get out some pent up falsities. There is a reason this guy’s salary has ballooned to $64 million per year. He’s the ultimate patsy, fall guy, stooge. The owners throw this clown out to the media, fans, in this case Congress to take a beating and do their bidding. All with the force of 32 of the wealthiest humans on earth and a $10 Billion dollar industry behind him.

For Godell to say he does not have the power to remove Dan Snyder as an owner in the NFL is ridiculous. The whole body of NFL ownership has truly become a mockery. God damn the sport of football for being so entertaining. And curse my stupid brain for allowing me to get hooked back in year after year. The grotesque behavior from Godell here can only be topped by that walking sack bag he’s essentially defending, Dan Snyder.

Dan Synder had been a detriment to the NFL since he bought the Red Skins in 1999. He took a once prominent franchise and has driven it into the ground. He’s turned one of the proudest fan bases in sports 100% against not only him, but the actual team. He’s done it all with a smug attitude and one of the most punchable faces in America.

In addition to being a Hall of Fame shitty owner he is all an all around Hall of Fame asshole. Over the course of several years we have seen countless accounts of work place disfunction, misbehavior, and abuse. It is only through the ongoing efforts of the victims and mistreated employees we learn more about the abhorrent operation this sleaze bag ran and continues to run. Here’s a pretty comprehensive timeline of the work place fuckery:


July 16, 2020 — A Washington Post investigative report details the toxic masculinity of Snyder's organization, from which 15 women accuse former Redskins employees of sexual harassment. Snyder isn't among those accused, but three executives close to him and two more men from the scouting department are. Snyder, however, does get blame for under staffing his human resources department and creating a toxic office culture of belittlement.

Aug. 26, 2020 — The Post follows up its July report with another piece alleging more workplace harassment throughout Snyder's tenure. Twenty-five more more women come forward to the Post, making the total number of accusers 42. The most titillating claim was that Snyder ordered the team's video department to produce an outtakes video of cheerleaders' private parts that were filmed during the shooting of the squad's swimsuit calendar in 2008. Snyder is also alleged to have suggested to a cheerleader at a 2004 charity event that she join Anthony Roberts, the team's official ophthamologist and a high school classmate of Snyder's, in a hotel room so they "could get to know each other better." Snyder denied both allegations in a statement to the Post.

Dec. 22, 2020 — According to another Washington Post report, it was revealed in filed court records the Washington Football Team paid a former female employee who had accused Snyder of sexual conduct $1.6 million in a 2009 settlement.

Dec. 29, 2020 — Three limited partners in Washington Football Team's ownership accuse Snyder of corporate malfeasance, which included harassment and intimidation as well as financial misdeeds. Snyder had accused them of falsifying reports of his alleged sexual misconduct.

March 24, 2021 — Snyder's complete buyout of Washington Football Team's minority owners is reported by The New York Times. The move is expected to be approved by NFL owners via with a waiver, based on Snyder taking on $450 million in debt which he must repay in seven years. At 56, Snyder will take full control of the ownership by spending $875 million to take the remaining 40.5 percent stake in the team.

July 2, 2021: NFL fines Washington $10 million after completion of Wilkinson investigation

The NFL fined the Washington Football Team $10 million after Beth Wilkinson’s 10-month investigation revealed a “highly unprofessional” workplace, including frequent examples of bullying, intimidation and sexual harassment.

Oct. 8, 2021: Email shows Gruden using racist trope

A leaked email, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, showed Jon Gruden used a racist trope toward NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith during the NFL lockout in July 2011. The email, which Gruden sent to then-Washington team president Bruce Allen while Gruden was working for ESPN, was one among 650,000 examined by the NFL in Beth Wilkinson’s investigation into Washington’s workplace culture.

Oct. 16, 2021: Congress gets involved

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform called on commissioner Roger Goodell to give Congress the findings of Beth Wilkinson’s investigation, asking for all documents to be produced by Nov. 4.

“The NFL’s lack of transparency about the problems it recently uncovered raise questions about the seriousness with which it has addressed bigotry, racism, sexism, and homophobia — setting troubling precedent for other workplaces,” Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) wrote.

Dec. 14, 2021: Report says Snyder tried to interfere with investigation

Citing a filing in federal court, the Washington Post reported Washington owner Dan Snyder sought to interfere with Beth Wilkinson’s investigation by trying to prevent a woman — who had been paid $1.6 million in a confidential settlement stemming from a sexual misconduct allegation against Snyder in 2009 — from speaking with Wilkinson, including offering additional money. Court records obtained by the Post showed the woman did eventually speak with Wilkinson.

Dec. 15, 2021: Goodell says Snyder did not interfere

Commissioner Roger Goodell told reporters at the NFL owners’ meetings in Irving, Texas, that Washington owner Dan Snyder did not interfere with Beth Wilkinson’s investigation and that she spoke with everyone she wanted to speak with.

Feb. 2, 2022: New allegations emerge, one specifically against Snyder

Several former employees made new allegations on HBO’s Real Sports Podcast, including one against Washington owner Dan Snyder. Among the previously unheard allegations were:

  • Former cheerleader and marketing manager Tiffani Johnston accused Snyder of touching her inappropriately two different times at a work dinner event. She said Snyder placed his hand on her thigh under the table until she moved his hand away, and then approached her after the dinner and put his arm around her, inviting her into his limo. She said she refused, but he persisted, “aggressively” pushing her toward the limo until his lawyer intervened, saying, “Dan, very, very bad idea, and I mean bad idea.”

  • An unnamed woman said she witnessed Snyder laugh as he watched men grope and make unwanted advances toward multiple women in the owner’s suite. The same woman said an employee told her she wasn’t “a team player” because she wouldn’t sleep with a player to get a contract signed, and that former chief operating officer Mitch Gershman routinely pressured women to wear more revealing clothing and lose weight.

  • The woman also said a player once approached her in a group office setting and dropped his shorts to reveal his naked lower body. Another unnamed woman said this player did the same thing to her.

  • Multiple unnamed former employees detailed a lack of support or accountability from human resources and retaliatory firings for reporting inappropriate behavior.

Feb. 9, 2022: Team announces investigation; NFL overrules and says it will handle

  • The Washington Commanders announced plans to investigate former cheerleader and marketing manager Tiffani Johnston’s allegations against owner Dan Snyder, saying it hired Debra Wong Yang to lead the investigation and pledging to release the findings publicly. However, the NFL announced soon afterward that the league, not the team, will investigate Johnston’s allegations.

April 12, 2022: Congress details Commanders’ ‘potentially unlawful’ financial conduct; NFL expands investigation

  • The Commanders and owner Dan Snyder “may have engaged in a troubling, long-running, and potentially unlawful pattern of financial conduct,” according to a letter sent from the House Committee on Oversight and Reform to the Federal Trade Commission.

June 1, 2022: Congress calls on Snyder, Goodell to testify

  • The House Committee on Oversight and Reform has asked NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and Commanders owner Dan Snyder to appear for a June 22 hearing on the team’s workplace culture.

June 15, 2022: Snyder declines Congress’ invitation to testify; Goodell accepts

June 17, 2022: Committee responds to Snyder, urges him to attend hearing

June 20, 2022: Snyder again declines to testify; Congress says he ‘has something to hide’

June 21, 2022: Report details 2009 sexual assault allegation against Snyder

  • The Washington Post reported a female former employee accused Commanders owner Dan Snyder of sexual assault and harassment on a team plane in 2009, an allegation that led to a $1.6 million confidential settlement.

June 22, 2022: House committee releases new details, says Snyder conducted ‘shadow investigation’

  • The House Committee on Oversight and Reform released a 29-page report revealing new allegations against Commanders owner Dan Snyder shortly before a hearing on the organization’s workplace culture.

June 22, 2022: Committee to subpoena Snyder; Goodell testifies

I mean what are we doing here?

But, despite all of that. The sexual misconduct, assault, shadow investigations, financial fraud, pay offs they were still out done by the world class all time #1 baffoons, Congress.

Jim Jordan - Resident Haaarddoooo

Nothing says justice for Sexual Assault like “Deflate-gate”

If Godell was just a little worse at his job as a half witted lying snake he would make a terrific politician.

P.S. Here’s just a fun kicker to add to the “legacy” of Dan Snyder’s Sour Milk


Celtics Wheel of Prizes


You say the Celtics need a PG?