You say the Celtics need a PG?

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If your immediate response to that question wasn’t fuck no then I respectfully would ask you to get your head checked.

SOURCE: The war of words and spin is escalating between Kyrie Irving and the Brooklyn Nets, with reports yesterday that the sides were at an “impasse” in contract extension negotiations.

Nets' GM Sean Marks has made it clear that they are not willing to give a long term extension to this blow hard and rightfully so. Kyrie on the other hand is pining for the 4 or 5 year deal so he can take another $30 million sabbatical whenever there is a world tragedy with convenient timing. Oh, and now there is this.

Now comes a report about Irving’s fit and tensions with the Nets, courtesy of ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith on his show First Take  Monday (hat tip Bleacher Report):

“Did you know that this brother Kyrie Irving last season would conduct his own practices? So when Steve Nash had the team on the floor, and they practiced, they would finish and he’d go and get five guys and conduct his own practice. … Do you have any idea how disrespectful that is to Steve Nash?”

God Bless Steve Nash. If he wasn’t Canadian there for sure would have been fisticuffs. Or just a barrage of You Tube conspiracies too fucking stupid for Nash to sit through. Any franchise willing to bet on this buffoon is signing their own suicide note for any chance at a championship.

There has been a lot of talk of Danny’s trade to bring Kyrie to Boston. At the time it was a slam dunk. I mean who could have anticipated the depth of self indulging dick baggery this kid would reach? Thankfully for the Celtics some of the best moves are the ones you don’t make. Or the ones made for you by lying, conspiring, bat shit crazy, turncoats. Make no mistake. They are better off without Kyrie’s incredible basketball abilities because they are far out weighed by his ability to completely derail a team, season, franchise, and Hall of Famer’s career. (KD). “Fuck Kyrie Irving” - Lil Boom

P.S. Toot. Toot. I am on recored of never wanting Danny to go for the Kyrie - Anthony Davis team. After the 1st year of Kyrie I had seen and heard enough. I was a proponent of building with the Jays.

More on the nose though was our dumpster fire prediction. The Kyrie, KD, James Harden Brooklyn Nets was a mitigated disaster from the beginning and it’s glorious to watch the fire burn and burn and burn.


The NFL is undefeated


Who did Vince payoff?