The Celtics have Daddy Issues

SOURCE The Boston Celtics owners, the Grousbecks, are reportedly in a dispute on how to run the team, per the NY Post. The main problem is about the giant payroll, which the father, Irving, was against, and the son, Wyc, was all for. 

My interpetation of Wyc’s conversation with his Dad last year.

Wyc: Hey Papa, I’d like to give my friends a bunch of money so we can win a championship?

Papa: Will we win the championship?

Wyc: Yes, Oh YES! And everyone will love me.

Papa: Do it.

Wyc: Thanks Papa!

6 months Later…..

Wyc: Papa, We Won!

Papa: Sell it all.

Wyc: Ohhh noooooooo.

Did anyone know Wyc didn’t actually own the Celtics before June? I like the conspiracy I heard that the other Grousbeck kids are bitching about Wyc spending their inheritance. I get it. Celtics will owe like $500 million in two years in taxes. But, also. Have any of these genius business folk looked at the growth of professional sports ownership over the past 20 years? The Grousbecks bought the team for 300 something million. They are about to sell it for 6 billion? Seems like a decent investment. I’d be willing to bet Wyc is the outlier of the Grousbeck children. In that I mean his sybling are a bunch of trust fund dopes. But, I could be wrong. I mean even Wyc has been walking around Boston for the past 15 years acting like he owned the joint when it was actually daddy’s money.

Give me Bezos. Does he have any dumb kids we gotta worry about?


The Vibes Suck
