Editor’s note: They blew it. Point blank. Enough blame to go around. Players didn’t execute, coordinators made poor play calls, Head Coach lost the feel for the game.


PRO- Offensively they were competitive against a good defense, no turnovers, disciplined with 1 penalty.  2-4 in red zone.  Hunter Henry and Antonio Gibson joined the season.  Can still run the ball.  


CON- WR's ? 3 out of 4 attempts to WR in game.  Is it game plan?  QB pressure?  Lack of willingness to push the ball?  Not Open ?  Douglas open every play every never gets the ball? It's a problem.   


Observation- Nearly Identical offensive performance.  310 total yards v 290 in Bengal's game 185 rushing v 170 in Bengal's game.  0 turnovers and broken tackles leading to the only explosive plays.  Sound familiar; it’s a theme.  It didn’t' feel the same watching it but upon further review it was. 


  • Only difference is 2-4 in red zone instead of 1-4 leading to the extra 4 points.  Its math. 


CON- End of 1st half clock management.  1:37 on the clock pats have ball at their 10.  They run once for 2 yards then 2 crappy out routes which have 5 % percent chance of completion.  They don’t run enough clock or at least force Seahawks to use their timeout.  Then good return and Seahawks get a FG before half.   


PRO-  Competitive, defense only gives up 6 points in 2nd half.  They came up with some key stops down the stretch. Stuffed the run with walker out only 46 rushing yards.   Put offense in position to win the game in regulation. 


CON- Blown coverage on defense leads to 53 yard TD pass.  According to Duggar post-game he changed the call to an all-out pressure based on what he saw.  Whoops.   Let JSN and Metcalf each catch 10 plus.  Not enough pressure on Geno.  They let him stand back there and throw it all day. No Turnovers


Observation- They really miss Barmore and Judon.  One more stud lineman is what the defense needs. They couldn't take advantage of a team without 2 starters on the o-line.   



PRO-  In the decisive point of the game they took control with 2 keys stops and a TD drive until . . . .


CON- THEY BLEW IT;  Brissett takes a bone headed sack on 3rd down.  Then FG gets blocked.  Seahawks tie it up on ensuing drive. 


Observation-  Errors lost the game.  Brissett taking the sack forces the longer attempt.  Which likely caused Slye to hit from a lower trajectory; aiding in the kick being blocked. Or Hooper just completely whiffed the block. Takes points off the board and swings field position.  They never regained momentum.  


Overall Observations- 


  1. They played the same game as they did against the Bengals except this time they made the mistake and lost. 


  1. The team doesn't blow.  They lack talent but look a capable on field operation.   If they just had a left tackle, Christian Barmore, and off’d Marco Wilson. They could compete for a wild card. 

Bobby Vine

I am Bobby Vine


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