The Bruins are dead to me

June 6th 2022 Bruins fire bruce Cassidy.

Let me start by saying I don’t hate this move. I hate the timing of it. Lets take a look back in time to the last Bruins coach firing. It was early morning Tuesday February 7th 2017. The Bruins fire Claude smack dab in the middle of a the Patriots championship parade. Lets circle back to yesterday’s firing. I’m sure everyone is aware the Celtics are currently in the NBA finals. Just so typical Bruins to burry their headlining new while Boston is celebrating their other sports teams.

I’m tired of this organization from the top to the bottom. Jeremy Jacobs is the worst owner in sports and thats saying something. He and his cunt licker son continue to allow Cam fucking Neely and Don Sweeney to build rosters like Cartman building the Crack baby athletic Association. Everybody needs to be gone!!! FUCKING FIRE EVERYONE!!!

I don’t know how many more times I need to say this. This middling roster and pathetic farm system has been going no where for years with no direction. The fact that Neely and Sweeney keep getting rewarded for bull shit is laughable. This roster has been aging like a fucking banana for years. Time to start the rebuilding. Trade Pasta, trade Hall, trade Marchand. Rebuild from the ground up. Neely and Sweeney are not the guys for it! They cant draft for shit. I’ve seen better drafted teams Tuesday nights at Irenes. At least she knows how to build depth and toughness. FUCKING FIRE EVERYONE!!!!

Please I pray to you sweet baby Jesus. Ray will pray to what ever god little fat boys pray too. Please, please, please FIRE everyone. Fuck this team. I’m out. I quit the Bruins. I didn’t think this would be possible but I FUCKING QUIT. I am no longer a bruins fan. By this fall I will be choosing a new team to follow. I will be figuring out a fair and unbiased way to choose my future team. Jeremy Jacobs. Suck my dick. I’m out.

Editor’s Note: This is the first blog in over a year from the Queen. Cleary emotions were running high. Legally nothing can be held against him or us because of the heightened emotions. Those are legal facts.


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