Back in March when Covid-19 was at its earliest and scariest stage I was put on a furlough at work. Not knowing how long I would be out for I needed something to do. If you don’t know, I can’t sit still for very long, I get very restless. So the only thing in my house that I could do from home was play video games, but video games are stupid expensive at $60 brand new. So, knowing I wouldn't see anyone the Queen told me I should just pay for the online pass on PS4 and we could play with one another and it was worth the money. After downloading and buying the online pass what game would I play? I always see these kids doing these Fortnite dances and never understood the game itself so I looked in to it.


Fortnite has many different games but the one that sold me was the Solo Battle Royal where its every man for himself, fight to the death, last one standing wins. I was hooked after the first match back in March. I thought this would be one of those things that over time I would get bored with but the game makers said, “oh no fat-ass, watch this.”

Fortnite has chapters and seasons. Every 3 months they change it on you with new levels, new characters, and themes! I’ve played this game every god damn day since March and now play with my son and my nephews and niece. It is so addicting that I feel as though its becoming a problem but the god damn thing is so much fun especially talking shit to 12 year old’s when you snipe them from over 100 meters away. The game has no end in sight and after doing some research the game is worth over $2 billion dollars. If you’re bored you can find me on here at least once a day. My name raywlei21. Add me and I’ll play with you. I may suck, but I’ll have a blast dying that is for sure.


Jayson Tatum and the Duke Stench


Baseball is a bananza. Like, who gives a poop about the Rockies?