When Simone Biles needs the angry hoard of Internet Moms they are no where to be found.

Four of the top gymnasts in the United States told Congress that the FBI, USA Gymnastics, and the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee had failed them, for years, in a Senate hearing Wednesday—and they want answers and accountability.


Simone Biles is a hero in a lot of ways. Sitting out the Olympics wasn’t one of them. This is.

That was my only point by the way. Sitting out wasn’t heroic. All the other shit she has done is. And oops, toot toot, I was right. She got the Twisties and called it mental health. So what. People make mistakes, that was a mistake on here part. I’ve never had a problem with Ms. Biles. In fact I am on record rooting for her going into the Olympics to carry the GOAT status past Michael Phelps. With all of the air time she forced herself into, rightfully so, we got to know more about her and what she was fighting for. It’s basically the reason she decised to participate in these Olympics at the antient gymnastic age of 23. She is an inspiring human being who everyone should root for. I just don’t think she was a hero for calling it quits. Sue me.

That’s not the point. Her and her US gymnastics teammates testifies in front of congress regarding the rampant abuse they and so many others were victims of and the FBI’s complete failure in preventing it or even stopping it. Where the fuck are the Twitter Queens now?! This is heroic. This is standing up against an authority and taking on the establishment. Not easy. Very scary. Careers get ruined. Lives get ruined. This is where they need the backing of 1/2 a nation arming themselves with internet pitch forks. All we get is some golf claps and “Oh they are so brave” at the coffee shop. Where is the violence bleeding from your eyes? Is it because you don’t have some guy with a different opinion to shit on? I have one for you, Larry Nasser. Oh, and how about however many other nameless creeps at the FBI who failed theses girls. How about the blind dumb fucks apart of the program? How about the parents?

Where is the public outrage towards the FBI? US Gymnastics? US Olympics? Use your voice now for something that could actually make a difference. Force pressure on the individuals involved. Demand change from the establishment. Listen to these young women feed you the ammunition needed. Or should we all just wait for the next hollow bullshit headline to start a war over against the likes of me or any other dumbass with an iPhone?

Simone Biles deserves 100 x the attention and screen time for what she did this week than what she got for bowing out of the Olympics for what amounted to an injury masked in Mental Health.

And to the greater point. Put those FBI dicks heads, Larry Nasser, and anyone else with knowledge of this in prison. The kind that don’t take kindly to fucking with kids.


The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing centered on a Justice Department report, released this summer, that found the FBI had botched its investigation into Larry Nassar. … The four gymnasts who testified Wednesday—Simone Biles, McKayla Maroney, Maggie Nichols, and Aly Raisman—have all said that they were abused by Nassar.

“They had legal, legitimate evidence of child abuse and did nothing,” Maroney, an Olympic gold medalist, told the senators. …”

Maroney, who is not named in the report, spoke with a FBI agent about her experience with Nassar, but that agent didn’t properly follow up, according to the report. More than a year after speaking with Maroney, the agent drafted a summary of her interview that included statements she did not make, per the report

This Prick

P.S. Anyone who caught a glimpse or clips of the hearing; our Congressmen and Women are pathetic, feckless, worms. AmIRight?!


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