All the right moves

Anyone who was expecting the Celtics to make a giant splash this Free Agency has not been paying attention. Brad Stevens is turning the page on Danny Ainge’s last iteration of the Celtics. That takes a little time and a lot of moving parts. But, he also has to field a competitive team in part because it’s his job and also to keep Tatum and Brown engaged in the Celtics plans and future. It’s a thin needle to thread.

In very early retrospect doesn’t it feel like Brad is the perfect guy for this job for this team right now? Look at how quickly he has acted in getting rid of what he considered dead weight. Whether that be contract or talent wise. He knew every detail of why that roster failed last season and he’s cleaning house. He has wisely identified Tatum and Brown as the only guys that matter and is building towards that future. Even at the expense of Marcus Smart potentially.

Brad Stevens:

“With regards to what we want to add to our team, it’s pretty consistent,” he explained. “We need to be mindful of our near and long-term views, and at the same time add hopefully an edge and some experience to our team.”

Based on the reporting I have to guess Lonzo was their big play in free agency. It smelled like a sign and trade with Marcus Smart on what I assume would be 1 year bridge deal with Lonzo around the same money Smart’s making (about $14 Million) in order to remain financially flexible for next season. More on that in a second.

Welp, Lonzo and the Pelicans were blown over by the Bulls offer of 4 years and $85 million and Brad’s starting PG went out the window. If I had to guess the plan now is to stick with Marcus as your starting PG based on the options available and Brad’s long term plan. Plus this report from Mark Murphy.

Ah , Yes. Brad’s long term plan. I have three words for you. Bradley Beal. Please. Of course the automatic assumption is to think that the Celtics are clearing the deck for Beal. It was reported shortly after Beal and Tatum were sharing bunk beds in Vegas for the Olympic Trials that IF Beal were to request a trade it would be to Boston.

We are all very aware of the relationship Tatum and Beal have from childhood. (Beal was his baby sitter/ Bestie). The Wizards are the dregs of the league and most recently shipped Beal’s running mate off to L.A. to pay the King Lebron his taxes. Beal has not requested a trade yet, but I find it hard to believe in this NBA that a player of his stature on an expiring deal will want to waste away his prime years along side the likes of Kyle Kuzma in the play in tournament.

With that in mind I expect the Celtics roster building to be 1 and 1’s on short money that hopefully fill out the roster. They desperately need shooting and have for years. Love ya mean it Aaron “Peachbaskets” Nesmith, but it’s asking a lot for him to become a professional knock down guy. Even for the “best shooter in his draft”. J.J. Redick is still available. Lets see if he’s looking to cash in on another 1 year deal. Danny Green anyone? These are the kinds of fringe roster players we will be looking at because one thing is for sure, Brad is done baby sitting a bench full of rookies. Jesus, did Danny really mail it in at the end.

And Yes. Of Course I am all for bringing IT back to Boston. What a story line. And oh BTW you have no one who can score of your bench.


One last thought on the long term plan. Of course Beal is the preferred target not only for his obvious talent, putting aside how he, Tatum, and Brown would actually work on the court, and the ever important “keep your superstar happy” strategy. However, if that does not play out for whatever reason (read below for salary cap implications) Brad Stevens has now roughly $26 million dollars in expiring contracts on his books. Plus an additional $18 million in club options and an Al Horford deal that only guarantees $14 million his his final year. To put it plainly you have very moveable assets for a distressed player. Say, Karl Anthony Towns? Towns is in his 3rd year of a 5 year extension due $31.65 million next season. Or even striking a deal for Beal mid season instead of next Free Agency. I’m just sayin’.


Lets all be thankful Wyc didn’t come out promising fireworks again, because they aint coming. I’m okay with that. This is the NBA. You need to be equipped to take your shot at high end talent every chance you can. More importantly you need to be a destination. With Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown you are a destination. These two young budding superstars are immensely respected across the NBA. In a league where players dictate the competitive balance it’s pretty important to keep these guys happy and engaged. Opening the door for a max level talent is a good plan for Stevens.

The NBA Salary Cap

The NBA as set the Salary Cap at roughly $119 Million for 2022. The Celtics currently have 3 guaranteed contracts on the books in Tatum ($30 million), Brown ($28.7 Million), Horford (26.5 Million). In total accounts for $85 million. Now, Horford’s contract is only guaranteed $14 million plus incentives, but for this exercise that doesn’t really matter because the cap implications remain the same.

Bradley Beal can make a max contract of $42 million a year next season. So in order for the Celtics to fit that in they would first either need to trade or stretch Al Horford’s contract. With the space cleared the Celtics could sign Beal to the Max and then pick up their club options in addition to signing any of their own players under Bird rights. From their they would have one exception to use most likely and minimum veteran deals to fill out the roster.

The other option is Beal comes in on a 1 year deal at around $30 millionish and a hand shake deal to sign a max extension the following season. Hence, allowing the Celtics not to worry about messing with Horford’s deal or a number of other cap implication, e.i. Marcus Smart.

Look, there should be degrees for NBA cap management. I think there are. At MIT. Just know as presentably constituted the Celtics are in a position to land max contract next season with some minor additional maneuvering.



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