Marcus Smart needs to go away

This Celtics team is extremely hate-able lets be honest. Their effort is piss poor and their late game execution is worse. The Jays have been handed the keys. Just go down the list. We have ran out of scape goats for these kids. Kyrie was an all time douchebag, Hayward got unfair treatment, Horford wasn’t a leader, Marcus Morris was too mean, Rozier wanted the ball too much, Brad Stevens message ran dry, Danny Ainge lost his touch. All of them GONE! Except 1. The “Heart and Soul” of the Celtics. I’m not sure if you have heard this, but Marcus Smart is the longest tenured Celtic. So apparently that puts him in the management suite. The condescending tone that he spoke with after that embarrassment against the Bulls was egregious.

“They’re still learning and we’re proud of the progress they are making but they are going to have to make another step and find ways to not only create for themselves but create for others on this team, to open up the court for them later in the game where they don’t always have to take those tough shots or take tough matchups when they do get the 1-on-1 and see a trap. Just reading that. It’s something that we’ve been asking for them to do and they’re learning. We just got to continue to help those guys do that and to help our team.”

What? We’re proud of them. Shut the fuck up Marcus. This coming from the guy shooting 23% from 3 and 25% from the field. The guy who missed a team flight in the preseason and a career of misguided and highly criticized offensive play particularly shooting.

“I mean, I think if I’m getting in the lane and I’m making it easy for other guys, I’m making it easier for everybody,” Smart explained. “Even if my shots aren’t falling, the threat that I put on teams coming off the pick-and-roll and getting to the basket or being in the post. Teams are doubling me in the post and if they do, everybody knows I’m a great passer and I’m going to find guys. Just really taking some ease off of Jayson and Jaylen early on in the game and even late in games sometimes so we’re not exhausting ourselves on the offensive end and then getting picked on the defensive end.”

And by the way this was even the game for this type of critique. The rest of the team was 4 - 13 including the wide open 3’s created by the Jays for Horford, Richardson, and yup Marcus Smart who had ZERO assists this game.

“We’ve got to figure it out,” Smart said. “Nobody’s gonna figure it out for us. Sometimes I tell people before you see the rainbow, it has to rain. We’re going through the rain right now.”

News flash no one gives a shit what you say Marcus.

Yes, Tatum has been awful in these situations

Frankly, it’s to be expected a little. It’s infuriating to watch and they should be better, but the expectations for this young duo have been skewed since they entered the league due to the Celtics success. If they took the generic path of high lottery guys picked on shitty teams this is something similar to what we would see.

There is no doubt about it. The Celtics have a chemistry problem. There is an issue with the DNA and the mix on this team. They are in a position where they have to wait and hope the Jays evolve into the next level of NBA player, but Marcus Smart is not the guy that should be telling them to get there. He certainly won’t be guiding him there. Getting rid of Smart won’t solve the problems this team has, but it’s the last road block for the Jays to have full control. And it’s a bigger road block than people think.

Smart’s inflated ego is helped along by 7 seasons of enabling this player to make him belief he’s the next Allen Iverson. Smart’s play is not infectious. He is not a leader. His words are hollow. In short, he’s full of shit and always has been. Everyone around him including the Jays has just capitulate probably because they are afraid of the temper tantrum he’ll throw if someone crosses him. Please see the chair throwing incident in Orlando.

Brad Stevens did himself no favors extending Smart. For one he cant be traded until February which would mean a trade deadline deal. Who knows what the Celtics look like at that point and if it even makes sense, but more importantly who wants him? $19 million a year for 4 more years for a role player who fails at his role because he thinks he’s Steph Curry is tough sell.

Bottom line, it reached the point where both parties would benefit from a break up. It’s very rare an NBA player spends even a majority of his time in one city. Why should Marcus Smart be the outlier?



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