I can't believe I have to write this

If you were defending Jarren Duran's right to call a Red Sox fan a fucking faggot, you are a loser.

Yes, I use the word in this blog. I did so to emphasize that it's not about woke liberals not being OK with certain words being used just because of their cotton ball ears. It's like all words being used, it comes down to intent and context. With hurtful words malice also needs to be considered. Was this directed at someone with anger or was it a punch line to a joke flirting the line of acceptable in our society? Because like it or not that’s what this is about. Our society and it’s acceptable behavior. In which Duran crossed a line.

You can get out of my face about free speech or the pacification of America or crybaby this crybaby that. We can certainly have those conversations about our society and which way it's heading or which way it's gone or which way it's been. How there is certainly a portion of it that is too easily offended. That is not the case with Jarren Duran.

He made a stupid mistake running hot in the extremely stressful competitive environment. He should not be castrated or crucified for it. He should not lose his job. And he will not become the poster child for bigotry. He should be suspended, he was suspended, he should apologize, he did apologize, perfect. Call him a dumbass and move on.

I don't have a problem with Jarren Duran. He made a mistake, it was stupid. Look, If he actually has those beliefs and that's what he's about, then yeah I will have a problem with Duran. But, it doesn't seem like that's the case. Keep in mind this is the kid that fell back on mental wellness a year or so ago when he was sucking as a professional big leader. But, now he should get away with this because “free speech”? No. Bite me.

It's you people I have a problem with.
It's the lack of empathy and critical thinking social media has cursed us with. Its anonymous voices from behind the keyboard with no consequences that jump to judgment and hate toward an ideology or idea that doesn’t align with you. Or something you think threatens whatever way of life you’ve been duped into believing you’re owed.
It’s this kind of shit I have seen ALL OVER social media. It's so stupid on so many levels. It's hard for me to believe people actually think it's an OK thing. It’s like you’re all completely disconnected from reality.

Can you remove yourself from your own pod of dumb for one second and try to imagine this in a real life situation? Honestly think to yourself, is it ok to respond to someone in frustration with the phrase “shut up, you fucking faggot.” Please, please, please give me the context in which that is remotely acceptable. You could never say that to a client or customer or person at any time ever in the history of anything. Especially as an employee to a customer. And look its not just about the word. Mostly it is, but it’s because it was directed at a fan on a hot mic. Get a clue.

And That's what Durran is, he is an employee of the Boston Red Sox. A publicly held company, with ad dollars, reputation, and millions of fans and people viewing and judging the actions of their employees who are the baseball players. Yes, he got heckled. The fan suggested Durran should get a tennis racket because he had struck out six times in a series where the Red Sox had gotten blown out in four games. Professional athletes make millions upon millions of dollars because of the skill required to perform and the pressure that comes with it. Including hecklers and media calling out poor performance. If you don't think it's OK to give professional athletes a hard time from the stands then I'd like to see your woke ass sensitivity post against the fans shouting “Fuck You Draymond” next time the Warriors are in town. You hypocritical tools.

Oh and also. The word is offensive. It is one of maybe two words that is moved into the unforbidden lexicon of our society. There is a lot of language that has become soft with an overabundance of sensitivity. This is not one of them. It not because everyone so sensitive it's because with malice dropping that Hard T at the end is like the hard R at the end of the other forbidden N word. When used it's almost always used in a derogatory violent manner. If you can't understand how words like that affect people with this type discrimination and hate that they have received simply because of who they are, then I feel sorry for you. No, actually I don’t. You're just dumb or lazy, but certainly an asshole.

Look, if nothing else I am a simple minded man of comedy. This is Simple Minds Sports. We make each other laugh with mother jokes and fart noises, and yes at times off color language. In the world of comedy, and a room with comedy in the air I believe everything is on the table. Again, it's about intent and malice.
In this case, I didn't see Jarren Duran smashing watermelons or dropping mics.

Just grow up people. They aren’t taking your guns, they aren’t turning you gay, or killing your babies, and you truly can call people faggot all you want in America if that’s what you’re about. But, you won’t. Because you know it’s wrong. You know it’s dumb. You are being loud mouthed, dumb, lazy, disconnected, sick, hypocritical cowards. They aren’t calling for a parade for the disenfranchised in the fall out of the great Fenway Faggot accords, okay? He screwed up. Call the kid an idiot and move along. Don’t go buy his jersey as a statement. Dumbass.

Seems like Duran is sincerely remorseful. You should be too.


Has anyone ever read a book in Foxboro?


Little Late For Judon