Has anyone ever read a book in Foxboro?

The Patriots have fallen into the most transparent folly possible in professional football.

Their franchise hit rock bottom after Bill Belichick, the greatest coach of all time, decided to put their first round quarterback Mac Jones through the "how to ruin a rookie quarterback 101 Boot Camp" with no weapons, no protection, and a different scheme every single year.

He was shown the door only to be replaced by the same exact staff that was around him, suggesting that Bill Belichick, the greatest coach of all time was the singularity in the Universe of suck for New England.

These anti-scapegoats made it very clear that this was going to be a rebuilding process for the New England franchise. And in all but the words they told us to sit down, strap in, and be patient. Fine, just do it right we said.

What does every intelligent football fan know about how to build a successful football team correctly?  Build it from the inside out. I don't give a shit how pass happy Roger Goodell wants to make the league. He can stick flags on the hips of these prima donnas. The game of football still starts at the line of scrimmage.

So, you ask yourself how good was the Patriots offensive line last year?

Answer: God awful

OK, at least we have a starting point  Let's bulk up this o-line.


With the number three overall pick, we are going to fall right in the trap of every shitty franchise that has ever come before us in the history of the NFL and draft the third quarterback off the board so we can all ride that train of blow right back here to the number three overall pick in four years

Fine.  Then let's get him a left tackle with a high draft pick.


Let's fall right into the other trap of every shitty franchise in the history of the NFL, looking at you Detroit Lions, and draft the sexy position of wide receiver. That is a dime a goddamn dozen in the NFL right now. And not one but two of them!

Fine.  You've got $100 million just go dump some money in a veteran left tackle to keep your rookie upright.


We're going to sign a bunch of right tackles, including one of our our own for $20 million and put him at right guard, the least important position on the line. While we’re at it make pretend we're in on a bunch of wide receivers for a whole Lotta money we're never gonna pay anybody.

I am not a smart man, so when professionals in such high profile positions surrounded by such talent and money and power makes such transparently stupid ass decisions. It makes me question everything about everything.  Its very unsettling.

We are all doomed. But, at least the vibes are dope.


Pump the brakes on Drake Maye


I can't believe I have to write this