Have no fear. TB12’s Covid Juice is still for sale.

If you would allow me to jog your memory. Back when the season started Tom Brady ran into some hot water for running some off the books practices with his new Bucs butt buddies. The hot water came from breaking the NFL’s recommended protocols when it came to Covid-19. Brady however was not phased. No, see he has elevated to a higher being than the rest of us mere mortals. And for $69.99 you could be invincible too with “Protect”. A multi vitamin designed halt the affects of a once in a Century Virus and take advantage of a scared and manipulatable public.


If you are like me and have found yourself snip snapping on Brady, now routing for his greatness, maybe this little reminder will give you just enough hate to keep you grounded. Because the flip side of this is Brady’s own father was reportedly in a “life and death” situation after contracting Covid-19 this year. Did he not follow the “Protect” dosage here or what?

The reason this has come to light, is because at the NFC Championship game celebration in a sea of reporters, teammates, coaches all wearing masks, there’s Brady. No Mask. A Big Fuck You to The NFL, Godell, said teammates, reporters, coaches, Science. Normally I’m fully on board for the big “Fuck You’s”, but when you attach a snake oil product from a snake oil salesman like Alex Guerrero I have a tendency to reverse that Fuck You. God Damn it, I wish Brady didn’t go all Meta on us.


What is in your QuWAY?


Who set the rules for pick up basketball?