Four take aways from the Celtics’ Finals loss

The Jayson Tatum era Boston Celtics are hands down the most frustrating Boston Sports viewing in generations. So much talent so many wasted opportunities. The Celtics for the most part laid a complete egg in Game 6 on their home floor. The 21 - 0 run the Warriors dropped on the C’s after the 14 -2 start was the largest in the NBA in 50 years. It was at that time the Celtics showed the worts that plagued them all last year and 1/2 of this year. And kudos to the always truthful Boston faithful for booing their team in game 6 of the NBA finals. They earned those boos. They played like absolute cowards. At least they showed resiliency in the 2nd half, but inevitably fell short. Here’s 4 reasons why.

  1. What a lack of fortitude from this group. It was embarrassing to watch at times. The game 5 4th quarter melt down with the refs and the response to the Warriors push in the 1st half. Yuck. Those boo’s were earned.

  2. Lack of experience matters. Pure and simple. The Celtics ran out of all the good will and habits they had built up over the last 3 months about 3 games ago. They threw away their golden ticket in game 4. A chance to go up 3 -1 in the NBA finals and they pissed down their leg. Game 5 was a total mental melt down in the 4th quarter. Game 6 show cased JV vs. Varsity.

    Steph and co. had a mission. They understood what needed to be done and simply needed to execute. Which they did in spades at all the crucial moments. The Celtics on the other hand looked like a squad who had far more questions than answers in these final three games.

  3. Jayson Tatum. Experience, heavy legs, no balls? Whatever the answer is Tatum’s inability to show up and execute was a huge issue. Look, how many times does it need to be said? He’s 24 years old. Ahead of the average NBA timeline. His performances throughout the playoffs elevated him to a top 5 NBA player status and the Finals performance knocked him back down a peg. His offensive game needs to continue to evolve. The holes in his arsenal were exposed by the Warriors. He made leaps and bounds this season as a distributor. I have full faith he will continue to grow in the ares he needs improvement. To quickly point those out. Back to the basket game. Kobe did it, MJ did it, Lebron did it. You can’t take on double and triple teams 40 feet from the hoop. Develop that and poise around the rim through contact.

  4. It’s come full circle. Trade Marcus Smart. The “heart and soul” of the Celtics is the walking metaphor for this team’s ceiling. His inability to truly step out of the way as the “leader” has been an issue for a couple seasons, but more importantly his play on the court is wildly overrated. Especially in the playoffs. He was atrocious in game 6. DOP getting blown by left and right. More bad shots, terrible 1 v 1 decisions, can’t QB an offense, and the incessant flopping on the ground.

    The three instances that put the final nail in the coffin for me was a late game turn over as the Celtics were with in 10. A terrible cross court pass and Mr. hustle just stood there and watched the Warriors take it on a fast break. The other example later in the 4th the Celtics were basically out of it, but still had a punchers chance. Smart tries to draw a foul on Curry with a fake nut tap and hits the deck. And stays there selling the “injury”. Meanwhile Steph goes to the corner and burrys an open three. And finally with the game over. Starters being pulled. Down 13 in game 6 of the NBA Finals. The season is done. Smart is still bitching at the fucking refs. That’s your “leader”.

    I’m done with the Marcus Smart era. Time for new blood. New energy. New skill set at the PG position. Thanks for the memories heart and soul. Smell ya later.

As the dust settles and emotions calm down we will be able to call this season a success. A terrific success from where they started. And yes, they are young with a very bright future, but don’t give me this talk about how they have so many more opportunities to win a championship. Those don’t come around that often. It was just proven that you are in fact NOT the Golden State Warriors so don’t pretend like 6 trips to the finals in 8 years is what we should be looking forward to as Celtics fans. They let an opportunity slip. hopefully that sticks with them and motivates them to evolve and fill the gaps.

Fuck Draymond


Welcome, Bradley Beal


Celtics in 7