God Bless Red Sox fans

God Bless Red Sox fans. There is a sick vein that runs through Red Sox nation that needs the team to do them dirty. We need an outlet for all the shittyness in our levels and the Sox have been there for 100 years to blame our misery on. That doesn’t mean we like it.

We have reached the tipping point with the Chaim Bloom era. Nah, we’ve past the tipping point. The chorus of boo’s that rained down on those clowns at their own team pep rally was plenty proof. The audacity for Bloom to try and explain away the team’s position and last place finishes 2 of the last 3 years was tone deaf with a density Osmium (the most dense material in the world, nerds).

Simply put, the fans are not having this offseason, not one bit. They booed Henry when he walked onto the stage. They booed chief baseball officer Chaim Bloom when he tried to explain how much better off the team is now than three years ago. They booed the response to a question about the cost of attending a game.

They booed and booed and booed to the point that one attendee described it as "uncomfortable." SOURCE

The other thing that chaps my ass with this is the way he speaks. The tonality is that of a guy who just thinks he’s smarter than you and trying to verbally and fake intellectually bully you into coming around to his side of the argument. Trust me, I host a show that is based almost entirely on me doing this to Ray, The Bottom of the Totem Pole of Dumb. It’s a tried and true method. Donald J Trump became president using it. Problem from Chaim is his shit has been so bad that even us half wits can see through the nonsense. Hey Bloom, we don’t like bullshit and can smell it from a mile away. This twat has been spilling the B.S. since he got here. Buster Olney nails it here:

“We could keep going, we could drive right off that cliff, you guys have seen big-market teams do it before and end up rebuilding for half a decade,” Bloom told the angry crowd. “That’s not acceptable. That’s not acceptable to you guys; that can’t happen in Boston.” SOURCE

Yo, fucko. It’s already year four! Oh, and how in the Oden’s Raven do you speak into a mic and explain away the Mookie Betts trade as a WIN?! Unexplainably adding the words Bets into his 5 minute diarehea word salad 50 times. If that was a master troll job then I almost respect it, but I doubt this squid has the ball to pull that off. He certainly lacks the testicular fortitude to come out and just say we are rebuilding or ya know, make a decent trade.

The Pittsburgh Penguin owner did not fair better at the event. John Henry went on to say that the last place team in the AL East is justified in raising prices because that’s what allows them to be a big market team. Do I need to repeat that? I won’t because this is text and you can just re-read it. I would. Read that sentence again. I don’t need to explain the hypocrisy an lunacy of which that explanation is riddled with do I? The gall on these mother fuckers.

The time for self loathing for as Red Sox fans is over. Trouble is the team still blows with no evidence of projected improvement coming for at least two seasons. That’s only if Chaim’s grand plan of the 11th best farm system Calvary rolling into the save the day actually works. Feels more like a Custard’s last stand at this point. Boo you Bloom. Boo you.

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