Candidate for Simple Mind of the Year

Everyone has their own Simple Minded moment, but for Byron Kennedy he may take the award this year and for years to come. Byron is a Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Tom Brady fan. He was at the game on Sunday October 24th hoping to see history, Tom Brady throwing his 600th career touchdown pass.

Well, in the 2nd quarter with 4 minutes left Tom Brady completed a pass to Mike Evans for his 600th career passing touchdown. Never been done before, first player to ever do it. But what happens next is the domino effect of Simple Minds at it’s finest. After scoring Mike Evans gives the ball away to a fan as you can see above. That fan was Byron Kennedy. Figuring out later on the side line that he gave the ball away it was now up to the Bucs to get the ball back from the fan. Now, lets look at this from Byron’s point of view. You were just given a winning lottery ticket, but don’t know the exact cash value just that you have $$$ in your immediate future. So let the negotiating begin. The Bucs PR employee comes over and strikes a deal very fast with Byron, for the 600th TD ball Byron gets another game ball (worth is probably a couple hundred dollars) and $1,000 gift card to the Bucs pro shop.

Byron was quoted saying he never wanted to keep the ball he knew Tom Brady deserved it and was happy to reach a deal. Well once this all came out in the public eye they reached out to a man who has a lot of knowledge in sports memorabilia. The 600th TD ball would start at $500,000.00 meaning Byron gave up the ball and lost out on a lot of money. Now he is going around on the news circuits since he was the talk of that blow out game and all that he has asked for is to play a round of golf with Tom Brady. Fat chance loser, you know how you could have gotten the opportunity to play golf with Tom Brady? I will tell you, it probably would have cost you 6 figures to play a round with Tom only if you had that money. Let Byron be a lesson for all of us. These athletes and sports franchises have more money than you me and all of our friends combined have. To walk away from that deal with just another game ball and $1,000 pro shop gift card is ridiculous. Hold your ground get every penny out of the deal, Byron is an idiot but hopefully the Bucs do throw something a little more his way even though he is the Simple Mind Man of the Year.


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