Tom Brady has become a real Dick Head

It feels like a never ending stream of petty bullshit coming from the Brady camp to start this season. Brady himself and is passive aggressive instagram posts with that red faced biscuit loving shell of a head coach “having his back” after a 2 - 0 start to the season coming off a Super Bowl win? Really tough times down their eh Tommy?! How about the bitcoin commercial taking shots at “Bill the bartender” from Boston. “Does he say he hates you? Ya he did.”

Yea, he did say he hates you because you’ve become and insufferable little twat.

Hey, how about in the middle of the shit storm taking a shot at Robert Kraft. Who has called Brady is 5th son?

The latest comes a full 2 weeks before the Pats vs Bucs match up and Brady’s return to Foxboro. Papa Brady and Tom’s binkie boy Guerrero spoke to the media to lay the ground work for the onslaught of even more Brady vs. Bill coverage we are about to take in next week.

Brady Sr. spoke with Tom E. Curran of NBC Sports Boston. Here are couple notable quotes:


"Tommy is extraordinarily appreciative of everything that happened during his New England career, and he's more than happy that he's moved on because it was pretty obvious that the Patriot regime felt that it was time for him to move on," Brady Sr. said.

"And frankly, it may well have been perfect for (Bill) Belichick to move on from him. On the other hand, I think the Tampa Bay Bucs are pretty happy that the decision was made in Foxboro that they didn't want to afford him or didn't want to keep him when his last contract came up."

"Damn right," he told Curran. "Damn right. Belichick wanted him out the door and last year he threw 56 touchdowns. I think that's a pretty good year."

Does Brady feel the same way?

"Damn right," Brady Sr. answered.

Okay, fine. A Dad is supposed to be passionate about his kids. Especially if he feels like they aren’t being treated well. Even if they are multi millionaire 44 year olds. That love goes deep.

Alex Guerrero was next up with the Herald.


“The interesting thing I think there — and this is just me, an outsider looking in — it was like Bill never really … I think his emotions or feelings never evolved with age,” Guerrero said. “I think in time, with Tom, as Tom got into his late 30s or early 40s, I think Bill was still trying to treat him like that 20-year-old kid that he drafted. And all the players, I think, realized Tom was different.

“He’s older, so he should be treated differently. And all the players, none of them would have cared that he was treated differently. I think that was such a Bill thing. He never evolved. So you can’t treat someone who’s in his 40s like they’re 20. It doesn’t work.”

Look, Guerrero has a point about Brady needing to be treated differently. The problem here is he was! Guerrero was Brady’s personal trainer on the sidelines as early as 2006. How many other personal trainers are on the sidelines? Unless you count Guerrero as the personal trainer for the rest of the Brady bunch. Gronk, Edleman, Amendola, Hogan, but not Garopollo. Remember he wasn’t given a key.

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Special treatment? You were allowed to open a business at the team’s fucking facility. Brady was essentially running a competing strength and condition program creating a split in the locker room.


Garoppolo was not alone in his confusion regarding the TB12 facility. Wickersham also noted that many players were torn on where to train, unsure if working out with the Patriots' trainers would make Brady upset with them, or if training with the TB12 group would find them in the crosshairs of their head coach.

Yes, this caused the famous rub down scene in the luxury suites. Belichick crossed a line relegating Brady to the suites for his treatment from Guerrero that season. But again. Brady and Guerrero were undermining the team’s strength and conditioning program and had their own state of the art facility with in spitting distance of the stadium.

Plus, since when did Brady need special treatment? The fact that he was another part of the team is what made him so great and respected for so long. This was not about Brady not getting special treatment. It was about Tommy not getting exactly what he wanted when he wanted it. Maybe some more “atta boys” from coach Bill. Full control over the offense maybe? More to the point he wanted the contract.

Now, this is where we can have a conversation. Instead of some bullshit incentive laden contract Tom got in 2017 they should have extended him with the Drew Brees deal at $25 million a year. Two years guaranteed. However! If you go back to the scene in the Tom vs. Time film that was released after the Super Bowl loss to the Eagles. Not the one where Brady is moaning and groaning from Alex’s magic fingies, but at the end of that documentary he wallows about his future. What are we doing this for? 14:00 minute mark.

So if you’re the Patriots, Tom Brady just forced your future at the QB position out the door to San Fransisco with a claim to play until he’s 45, but now he is skeptical on why he’s playing at all, how heavily can you invest in him? Is it not reasonable for Belichick and Krafts to be a little pissed at Brady for sounding indecisive after forcing them to trade Garopollo?

I just push back on the narrative that Belichick pushed Brady out. This was a power struggle on both sides. Guerrero is some what right here. Bill refused to bend. At least as much as Brady wanted him to. And that was it. I don’t really blame Belichick. Coaches coach and players play. There is a defined hierarchy and Brady wanted to rise about his designated status. Belichick let him go as high has he was comfortable with. There would not be a Dan Marino or Brett Farve situation in Foxboro. QB’s report to passing camp, mini camp and any other camp the coach see’s fit. It’s a slippery slope when you start allowing players to call the shots. Even if it’s the greatest player professional sports has ever seen.

Flat out, Brady became a diva. For how many years as Patriots fans did we sit here and bash the diva WR’s across the league? This is how Bill runs this ship. His manically, egotistical, authoritarian ship. And Brady didn’t want to deal with that anymore. But, I bet if they gave him the contract he would have sucked it up.

Now, unfortunately we get the assault on your Patriots from the Brady camp. Not Tom. Oh no. We won’t hear from Tom specifically. He has his people get his message out. There is too much at stake with his brand and image and whatever other vain self righteous venture he’s apart of.


It’s passive aggressive, cowardly, dick head behavior. And really what it is, is just sad. This is a guy that gave Patriots fans endless joy and memories for 20 years and he’s taking the low road in such a weaselly fashion it takes everything in my power not to lose respect for him. Guess what? It ‘aint working.

P.S. Fuck Guerrero and his ball washing of the Bucs. This shit doesn’t last. Ever heard of the honey moon phase? The second they hit adversity or ownership starts to get a little pissed TB12 is operating a business at the 50 yard line the same ego and nonsense will come into play. Only in Tampa you don’t have a Belichick or Kraft and their pedigree to hold water.



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