Cancel the Celtics

2011 Red Sox, 2009 Patriots, 2021 Celtics. Fucking quitters. As Boston fans there is nothing we hate worse than quitters. You can go 87 years falling on your face time after time after time, but if you leave it all out on the field we keep coming back for more. It’s when you stop trying as a team or professional athlete that I’m we’re out. there is absolutely zero tolerance for it. That’s where the Jayson Tatum Celtics are right now. It’s pathetic. It’s an embarrassment. And it’s a complete reflection and indictment on the leader and best player on the team. If you don’t think so, read a book. This is the NBA. Everything is a reflection of your best player.

I called Tatum a “budding” super star last season and I got push back. Many told me he already arrived. And ya know what? If not for some terrible late game turn overs and lack of finish I might have been there with those folks. Now nobody is there. Not even close. It pisses me off just typing how badly Tatum and this team have dogged it this season.

You can place blame where ever you want, because god knows everyone deserves some. Me? It starts with your best player on the team. And if that definition isn’t enough for you pay close attention to the body language and post game pressers.

Jayson Tatum was interviewed after the Celtics 117-110 loss vs the Cavaliers. Tatum was asked about being a leader for the Celtics. He talked about being mor...

This kid quit. Celtics, you’re cancelled until further notice.


You’re a bonafide knucklehead if you have a problem with Lebron owning the Red Sox


College Basketball is better than the NBA