Derek Carr put a nail in the Patriots coffen

The running mascara from this losers eyes has cost the Patriots dearly. So it seems Josh McDaniels will be keeping his job as head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders. This after the franchise spent a billion dollars to bring in names like DeVante Adams and Chandler Jones. They opened their brand new mega stadium last year. The new coach and GM were brought in from the Patriots system to propell them to post season success. Instead they have won 2 games and lost the rest by one possession every single time. The latest collapse against an ESPN commenter as the opposing coach in Jeff Saturday and the Colts.

The NFL world thought for sure this would spell the end for McDaniels. Nay. We underestimated the power of a grown man crying about football. Derek Carr went up to the podium after the Colts loss and gave us all a true unfiltered opinion of the state of his football team. No one is denying it was real. Honestly though, that’s a problem. You can’t have your QB crying after a regular season loss to Jeff Saturday. I get it grown men cry and in 2022 Toxic Masculinity is nearly as bad as anti semitism, maybe worse but man the fuck up Carr. How do those testosterone filled animals get behind a guy that kind of stinks firstly, but then also mopes because they can’t crack 20 points? No wonder McDaniels and the Raiders are losing.

That little “its my party” session seemed to have saved Josh’s bacon though. Looks like Derek’s misty cheeks touched one, Mark Davis - Raiders Owner.


"As far as Josh goes, I have no issues," Davis told the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Monday. "I'm getting to know him a lot better. When you sign someone to a contract, don't you expect him to fulfill the contract?"

"I like Josh. I think he's doing a fantastic job. That's why I hired him," Davis said. "We did an exhaustive search and found the person we believe is going to bring the Raiders to greatness."

That’s a hard left turnfrom the reports we heard before the last couple games. Based on the reporting I wouldn’t have been surprised if they didn’t let McDaniels back in the locker room . A couple of tears and boom. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Welp, that just fucked the Pats. Matty P’s only chance at getting this offense on track was getting fired and replaced with McDaniels. Now we’re forced to sit through eight more weeks of disjointed garbage while Mac Jones pouts in the corner. Thanks Derek. Next time bottle your emotions up and shove em deep down where the cancer starts like a man.


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