Bill Belichick is not in the hot seat; He doesn't have any friends

Plain and simple, Belichick in NOT on the hotseat.

When I saw the headline of this article, I knew it was bullshit. Could Belichick be on the hot seat for his lack of performance in the last several years post Brady? Or for a number of questionable personnel moves? Sure, I guess. But, if your source is his "friends" you're not getting that past me buddy.

Bill Belichick has allies and he has enemies. If this so-called friend believes he's a friend he's most likely an enemy. Insert, Eric Mangini, as fuck boi exhibit A. And do you think Bill's enemies have the most up-to-date dirt on his comings and goings down in Foxboro? Perhaps. Or is it all a ploy? The old “keep your friend close and your enemies closer”. But, again Belichick has no friends and he's not on the fucking hot seat. He's got 19 wins to beat Shula. He will do that on the patriots sideline. Robert Kraft will stay alive just in time to see that happen. Those two football titans fucking hate Don Shula. If it takes Bill three 9- 8 seasons to get there they're gonna do it even if by the end, they hate each other as much as they hate Shula.

Belichick is not on the hot seat. He has no friends.


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