Fuck you Lebron. Your baseball team stinks

This fucking guy. What a twat. For this Social Justice hero to toss around the allegation that every Boston fan is racist is so hypocritical and lazy. The perceived vs real racism that happens in Boston has been written about and discussed at nauseam and I’m not that guy to get into the details, but c’mon. Never mind the fact that racism is more evident everywhere we look than it has been in a long time. It’s hard to think Boston is unique with it’s racism

So, are we really going to judge an entire group of people based off what? Drunk ignorant assholes screaming some drunk ignorant shit? How screwed would we be if that’s how everything was judged? Aren’t we supposed to be moving away from that kind of thought process Lebron? Shouldn’t we be emotionally evolved enough to look deeper? Aren’t you the Billionaire holier than now super genius business-athlete? You really couldn’t find something better than “they’re racist as fuck”. What a clown.

SOURCEAt the end of the day, I would never shut up about things that’s wrong. I preach about my people, and I preach about equality, social justice, racism, systematic voter suppression, things that go on in our community, because I was a part of my community at one point and (I've) seen the things that were going on. - Lebron James

A clown that owns your baseball team by the way? I wonder if John Henry is pissed his cross town owner friend, Wyc Grossbeck is selling “Fuck Lebron” shirts in the gift shop. What a nasty shot at a business parter eh? That’d be like the Rooneys pissing on Syndey Crosby’s skates.

The Fenway group is a just line item on Lebron’s Billion dollar enterprise. It’s also just a line item on John Henry’s Billion dollar enterprise. You’d think these cunts would just have the fore site to not label the entirety of their own paying fan base “racists” though? Especially after failing to win a single division series this season. Not on best of terms with the Fenway faithful. Lets get a statement John? Followed up with the fake fluff apology from Bron Bron.

I do wonder why it feels like this “Boston is racist” narrative is coming up more than it has in the recent past. We didnt really hear this during the KD era. The Sox had the Adam Jones incident and Of course there is a level of truth to it. As I mentioned before overt racism is more en vouge than the Kardashians.

However, I blame Kyrie.

I’m only half kidding. It’s what I mean by Lebron and his lack of Social Justice awareness. Perception is realty. Kyrie is just one example of athletes calling Boston racist, but when he did we know it was to deflect the heat he was about to get for lying and leaving Boston and acting like a complete self serving douchebag all in the process. Not because he witnessed racists acts (that we know of). Perception is reality! You get some loud mouth superstars calling Boston “racist as fuck” with zero checks on them and guess what? Boston is now “racists as fuck” in the eyes of everyone who listens to them.

I don’t know how much Lebron actually believes Boston is racist. He did say in 2017 he’s never heard anything.

SOURCE Back in 2017, James said he couldn’t “recall ever hearing” something racist directed towards him at TD Garden.

I also don’t know how much work he has put into actually determining if it’s real. Lebron is a follower. We know this. So there’s a fun little narrative about Boston being racist (meanwhile literally almost the rest of the entire country is being shot to shit with racial motives everywhere) so Bron Bron jumps on to make his buddies giggle.

Perk came out Monday and said Boston fans were harder on opposing players and disrespectful. Is this the “everyone gets a trophy” generation encroaching on fans now? Bronny can’t take a yo momma joke? Jesus, take a joy ride on your super yacht and cry into your stacks of cash.

With the Boston is fucking racist as hell line he’s furthered the narrative with most of the sheep who watch that sleepy wino talk show that Boston hates black people. So, I guess they do. Kuddos dick head.


Kuddos Billionaire, social justice warrior, China apologist, dick head.


Hey Grant Williams, foot meet mouth


The Red Sox are buyers