Hey Grant Williams, foot meet mouth

Who gave Grant Williams a microphone? Why is the 9th guy off your bench the spokesperson for what the team thinks of itself after a NBA Finals loss? And why is that sediment that they actually “won” those finals? What a dink.

This comes on the heels of Steph Curry dragging the Celtics’ corpse through the mud some more at the ESPYs.

I like Grant Williams as a player. To this point he has understood and played his role very well. At one point he was leading the NBA in 3 point percentage from the “corner office”. But, God Damn it this Celtics team drives me crazy sometimes. Show some humility you “AAU born winners”. Steph took your lunch money. Own it. Come back stronger with some drive or at least an accurate sense of yourselves. Another team celebrated the championship on your own court. You went to the locker room.


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Fuck you Lebron. Your baseball team stinks