Seven reasons the Celtics should be OUT on Durant

The Celtics are the odds on favorite to land Durant.

..the Celtics have emerged as the betting favorites to land Durant, per, with -200 odds if the Nets end up trading the all-world scorer. The Warriors, interestingly, are at second at +350, then followed by the Suns at +600, Heat at +750, Trail Blazers at +900 and Raptors at +950. SOURCE

I get why Vegas has them as the favorite. Jaylen Brown. Brown alone as a trade chip sets the Celtics apart from any other team looking to make a deal. That’s why they shouldn’t make the deal. Or at least one of the reasons. Lets get into why the Celtics needs to avoid trading for Kevin Durant.

  1. Durant is a walking bowl of Frosted Flakes. The guy is lost. Watch the interview he did with David Letterman. It is for sure not a resounding endorsement of a guy who has his mental shit together. He’s blowing in the wind, man. And right now that wind is Kyrie Irving’s self righteous butt hole exhaust piping out hot bull shit about the Nets front office and coaching staff.

    Kyrie doesn’t like how they “treated him” over the vaccine controversy so he wants them gone. The same guy who said they don’t need coaches. That’s KD’s motivation for flying to London and demand they gut the front office. The same front office that moved mountains to give Durant literally everything he asked for. These weasily fucks are disingenuous and disinterested in building a winning culture or stabilizing a franchise. No thanks.

  2. Jaylen Brown. Brown is not Durant. But, does the talent and contributions of Brown, Smart, and rotation guy add up to what Durant brings? It’s debatable. That’s not even the point. The Celtics made it to the Finals last year with a 24 or 25 year old leading them. That’s rare. In addition, the 25 year old Brown was the best player on the court for the C’s. If Jaylen makes 3rd team All-NBA this season or an all Defensive team he is eligible for the Super Max contract. Let him eat and pay dis man his monies.

3. Jayson Tatum. Recently voted the best Small Forward in the NBA heading into the 2022 season. First team all NBA. He won the fucking Larry Bird trophy, folks. Give this man his due. We have had enough controversy surrounding “who’s team is it”? It’s now known to everyone it’s Tatum’s team. You’ve made your bed Brad Stevens. Now lay in it and lets fuck.

4. Chemistry. The Celtics found it last year. In a big way. Far and away the best team in the league from January on. The best starting line up statistically the league had to offer. Another year older for Time Lord. Average age of the 4 starters not counting Al is 25. Oh, Al Horford. He’s got maybe one more crack at it.

5. You improved your rotation beautifully. Brogdon and Gallinari fill the holes in your roster and fit like a damn glove.

6. Nobody has enough to actually land Durant. Even if the Nets lower the bar the only team that opposes a threat with Durant is Miami. Fat chance making that happen with a Tyler Herro - Duncan Robinson headlined deal. Either way the Celtics rightfully are the odds on favorite to win the Championship next season. Movement from Durant to the Celtics or to another competitor won’t change that much more than on the margins.

7. Fuck Kyrie. The Nets are a dumpster fire. I want to watch them burn.


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