The Patriots offense aint that bad

All this hub bub over the Patriots offense..

Sheesh. Can you give em a second guys? You’ve got a second year QB, a offensive coordinator with out the title who has no recognizable experience coaching offensive who also is in charge of the offensive line. Surprisingly the most dysfunctional part of the offense. Patricia may have failed in historic fashion in Detroit, but that was as a Head Coach. He has yet to completely eat shit as an OC. Plus the #2 man on offense need some seasoning as well. He’s never invited back in the state of NY and the last time he had success as a coach he was whippin’ out the tape measure for Ryan Allen punts.

The point is these guys just need some time, ya know. Play it looks like things are already getting better.

All you can ask for is improvement. I put no stock in the fact Belichick is too afraid to throw is starters out there tonight in the first preseason game in fear of completely losing the locker room. It’s a long season. Marathon. Not a sprint. Rest up, you world class athletes with a combined GDP of a small nation. You’ve earned it.


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