Hey, how do you screw up a special season?

Sweeney Strikes again!

Drafted by the NHL’s Arizona Coyotes in 2020, Miller’s selection was renounced by the Coyotes after it was discovered he repeatedly used racist slurs, including the N-word, toward a Black classmate and bullied the individual, who was also disabled. This bullying included tricking the student into licking candy that had been rubbed in a urinal. The acts, which included Miller physically assaulting his classmate throughout junior high, saw Miller convicted in a juvenile court.

The Bruins clearly know what they're getting into, as their press release led with a message from Miller himself:

“When I was in eighth grade, I made an extremely poor decision and acted very immaturely. I bullied one of my classmates. I deeply regret the incident and have apologized to the individual. Since the incident, I have come to better understand the far-reaching consequences of my actions that I failed to recognize and understand nearly seven years ago. I strive to be a better person and positively contribute to society. As a member of the Bruins organization, I will continue to participate in community programs to both educate myself and share my mistakes with others to show what a negative impact those actions can have on others. To be clear, what I did when I was 14 years old was wrong and unacceptable. There is no place in this world for being disrespectful to others and I pledge to use this opportunity to speak out against mistreating others.”

I know this going to make me sound like an asshole, but doesn’t this kid look exactly like the type of dick head to bully mentally disabled black kid? Just sayin’.

The Bruins have a 10-1 streak going on. They are flying high. Chemistry is freaking clicking with Jim Montgomery at the helm and Sweeney goes and signed an ex-kid racist because he can’t draft for shit. He clued the veterans in on the potential to make this deal and actually had some of them ask “Why?” Ya, no shit Marchy. Why Sweeney? Why?

This type of move has potential to be a kick in the dick for a hockey season. Chemistry is so important. Morale is so important. Bringing anybody new in can throw a wrench into momentum. Never mind a kid with some much to answer for. Luckily it’s just an entry level deal. There’s a good chance he doesn’t see the big league roster. Even if he does you still have such a strong leadership core you’d like to think they can over come the likes of a malcontent.

Most all people deserve a second chance. Shitty behavior as a 14 year old doesn’t prescribe you to a life in the gutter so I hope Mitchell has learned is actually a decent guy. I hope he finds success especially if it’s with the Bruins. It just feels like an unnecessary move right now. The season had so many doubts coming in and this start has been just incredible. Don’t fuck with it. It’s like tinkering with your fantasy line up at 12:50 on Sunday. Set it and forget it over over thinking knuckle head.

UPDATE: Sounds like the kid could just be a real piece of shit. No real apology or remorse. Not a isolated incident. Doesn’t get much lower than Bullying the disabled. Atta baby Sweens!


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Ime aint a victim. Yet