Where is Hasbulla?

The world we are living in, it felt like when I was growing up our parents always had these huge historic events that happened and they would always say, “you wouldn’t understand.” Well mom a dad I do. Being 36 I have seen our President get a blow job in the Oval Office, if the glove don’t fit you must acquit, 9/11, covid, and now the brink of world war 3. If we were playing bingo my generation would have one even without the free space. But with this war that is happening on the other side of the world, one of Russia’s most delicate assets has been MIA on the social media and internet and I want to know, where the fuck is Hasbulla?

Hasbulla for you that don’t know is a 3 foot 3 inch 19 year old Russian man that has over 2 million Tik Tok followers. He got noticed after reenacting one of Khabib’s weigh ins and it put him on the map and sky rocketed him to super stardom. In the MMA community they have even dubbed him mini Khabib. Hasbulla has a form of dwarfism, but being a little person hasn’t stopped him from doing what ever the fuck he wants.

I will tell you something that may shock you, I can not speak or understand the Russian language, but I will watch every video he puts out and for some reason I am drawn in. I don’t know why, its not like other little people are attention grabbers like Hasbulla, the way he goes in to the cage and legit tries to brawl with these guys that are taking it easy on him makes me laugh every time.

Here are some examples

War is never a joking matter, I hope that this stops and that no one has to lose their life but also I hope that Hasbulla is safe, he is a national treasure.

I know that if I had the chance I would take Hasbulla to 460 Amherst St. Nashua, NH and have some IPA’s and share a few laughs while at the bar watching sports on the flat screen tv!


30 for 30’s that I want to see


Adults need parents