What will make Tom happy

Tom Brady is the Goat, let me start this whole thing off by saying that so the Brady defenders don’t come down on me like Bill’s mom does on me after grooming day. When he was here in New England the man could do nothing wrong in my eyes and the whole regions eyes, most of us would have taken a bullet for the man and I am not making that up. But, with that said we have seen Tom Brady start to become how do I say this nicely, a douche bag. 2019, the Patriots were 8-0 and at his press conference he was the unhappiest 8-0 quarterback. He was sick of the business like attitude Bill Belichick had been driving down his throat for 19 years, he felt since he was Tom Brady he should be treated differently and not like everyone else. You could say that Tom had become a diva, he was in his 40’s and just wanted to have fun and he knew that couldn’t happen if he stayed in New England because he had come to hate the Patriot way.

After the game against Tennessee anyone with a brain knew that Tom was ready to leave the Patriots and test his brand on the free agency market, he chose Tampa because Bruce Arians was a players coach, one that would let Tom be free and finally have fun in his late career. With the road starting off a little rough he took the Bucs to the Super Bowl to win his 7th. This year seemed like one of his more difficult years in the NFL with injuries to star player Chris Godwin, AB going crazy and quitting in the middle of a game against the Jets the odds were against him before ultimately losing to the Rams in the playoffs, now retired here comes the dirt.

A report came out that said Brady and Arians didn’t get along, Brady didn’t like the coaches laid back approach and thought he should have been more involved this last season. So Tom lets get this straight, You hated how Bill treated you up here with the business attitude, treating everyone the same and no one was better than the other, the work hard to win method and the Patriots way. But now it has come out that he didn’t like how laid back Bruce was, while rehabbing his torn Achilles he didn’t put in enough effort and that’s why the team failed in the playoffs, he wished the coach worked harder for the postseason push and the other players just went through the motions. What way do you want it? My honest opinion is that Gisele has gotten so far in this guys head that he can never be happy. The constant nagging, you are Tom Brady not Johnny Foxborough, always telling him that he should be the biggest thing in the NFL and everyone should buy in to his demands. Retirement should be the best thing for TB12 but he’s going to pull a Brett Favre and come out of retirement so he can go to the one place he’s always wanted to go, San Francisco. That is if Gisele lets him


The MLB Lockout. A case for the owners


You have $500 million dollars and hate your life