We are almost a month away from Wrestle Mania, the super bowl of pro wrestling. This is where all the big storylines from the past year come to an end and usually have guys coming back for a one off big money match. That guy coming back for the one off big money match in his home state would be Stone Cold Steve Austin, this is only rumored but if true would be the first time he has wrestled since 2003 when he lost to the Rock at Wrestle Mania 19. Other than the money why would he come back? He really has nothing to prove, he had a hall of fame career where he is put on almost everyones Mount Rushmore of pro wrestlers it is kind of a head scratcher and if he comes back and looks like Goldberg did when he fought the Undertaker over seas it just hurts the image that is Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The other part that bothers me is that Vince McMahon gets off bringing these big names in for one off matches and blocks someone from being on the show. These big names aren’t going to be around year after year and you need to start developing the talent you have and give them these moments instead of (insert any hall of famer you want to see wrestle one more match). I like to remember these guys when they were in their prime not when they are 57 years old and hasn’t wrestled in almost 20 years. You have a small roster now with all the releases you had and you need someone to market as your next big star and why not that time be at the show of the immortals. So i’m against the Stone Cold or any more legends they want to bring back, build from with in and give us the next Stone Cold or the Rock.

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An honest question


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