This scenario happens more time than it should and every time it weirds me out. I know everyone poops, i’ve read the book but I feel when you are going to do your business you need privacy and to be left alone. Maybe that’s how I was raised but its just like your own personal alone time, at work is no exception. I work at a factory with several options to poop. I could go to a nicer bathroom and use a handicap stall where you can spread out and really relax. I could go to one that has exceptional phone reception and play a game with high speed service. Or my favorite, the bathroom with only one urinal and one stall.

This one stall bathroom is located in a separate building that only a select few use, we use to dub it the number 3 stall because a former co worker used to jerk off in there but that’s a story for another day. This spot you could easily be in there for 30 minutes with no questions asked. Today was a normal day, i ate my lunch and my belly was full and was ready for my afternoon poop. As I strolled over I was conversing with a fellow co worker and as we kept talking he kept walking in the bathroom with me. As I locked the door I was hoping the conversation was going to stop, wrong. I start being very short with him only answering with yes, no, maybe to his questions. I am starting to sweat from holding my lunch back and they continue for what felt like a life time. Finally the conversation ended and out came pandoras box. Flustered, all I could do was think about how weird it is for people to have conversations with someone while they are trying to poop. Like if it isn’t a life or death situation I will see you out of this bathroom and we can chat about what ever you want to talk about. Am I just weird or do you feel the same way?


Adults need parents
