This is exactly what you want to see from the Boston Red Sox


Well would you look at that. I guess these is limit or suck in the new world of John Henry’s sports franchise playground. The biggest question now remains, will they spend? If the mid market approach remains in place they need to be able to actually ID talent not just dump salary for injured projects and hope their spin rate quantifies to wins. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t.

So, although for most this is a positive in the right direction for Sox fans it doesn’t change the big big picture. This ownership group has been volatile since Theo left with the highs and lows. We are in another expected precipice of an upward flow with the inevitable ebb just around the corner as long as the Fenway Group keeps leaving their mark with their greedy little paws .

The Red Sox suck. Not just mildly suck enough to shit on them and say, hey, they suck. No, they are yet again in last place and freaking blow. They were just swept by the pathetic Yankees at home and no one showed up to the ballpark. This will be the third time in four years, the Boston Red Sox finish in last place all of which under the leadership of Chaim Bloom.

If the lack of competitiveness did not get John Henry's attention, then the lack of revenue should. Bloom and Gloom has not only created a bad baseball team. He has created a boring baseball team. There is no evidence that John Henry will suddenly make a massive shift in spending for this Red Sox team , so they better get a head of baseball operations they can actually identify talent. There should, should be enough evidence for John Henry to conclude that Chaim Bloom is not that guy, so he should, should be out the door, and at the end of another wretched season for the local nine that's the best news we can hope for.

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