The Most Magical Place On Earth

And I am back…..After a week away and an ice cream a day, Dr. BigMac aka The Obvious One has returned from Disney World. I haven’t been to Disney since I was 3 and I don’t remember a thing so it was all new to me. With Covid in play a lot has changed and here are some spots that I either liked or hated.


The God damn Scooter Mafia. Usually kids are the rude ones where ever you go, a restaurant, a show, an amusement park. Oh no, here at Disney the old people, the fat people, the “people who can’t walk” riding around on these scooters are the rudest of all. Not giving a shit where you’re walking or what you’re doing, they have one lane and if you’re in it they will run you over. The hate I had for these people was off the charts. Not to mention waiting in a line for over an hour and seeing them roll up to the front with their scooters and 17 family members really pissed me off. If you decide to visit Disney, here is your friendly heads up to watch out for these old ass holes.


These assholes were MIA. My son was pumped, first plane ride heading down to Disney. He had his autograph book hoping to see and meet all the characters. WRONG! For the 6 days we were there we saw probably 5 characters all from a distance. I get it Covid and social distancing makes things hard, but there were no parades, no distant greetings, no nothing, he was truly disappointed. That sucked the most that the boy was sad. If you are heading down in the next few weeks or months be prepared for a sad kid not meeting Mickey Mouse.


The rides were amazing. They made me feel like a kid again (after the motion sickness medicine I needed to take after the first day). The 60 minute waits were well worth it for the majority of the rides we went on. A few of my favorites.

  1. Space at Epcot- What a fucking ride! You are an astronaut on a mission to Mars to rescue another team. you’re strapped in and you take off and you go. I could feel my cheeks flapping like I was really flying. It was amazing. By far my favorite ride.


2. Tower of Terror at Hollywood Studios- Longest wait of the week at 80 minutes but well worth it. The elevator guy tried giving me shit for my Boston hat since he was from New York. I had to put him in his place. After that you go up and the ghosts and story you see is pretty cool, then when you think you’re going up they throw a curve and you shoot down that lifts you out of your seat. Crazy ride, better picture of my son fully crying cause he was so scared….. priceless.


3. Everest at Animal Kingdom- Didn’t know what to expect from this ride except it looked like a fast roller coaster. Well, it was fast but also one of the coolest roller coasters I have ever been on. You go up to a point where the tracks are all gone and you stop, then you get sent backwards in the dark and go up side down a few times and stop again to go forward for your last go to the bottom. The best ride by far at Animal Kingdom.

All in all it was worth every penny we spent to go and are already planning our next vacation back. I Just hope Rich will be able to tag along next time with his family. [*Editor’s note. Not a fucking chance]


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A Celtics - Kevin Garnett reunion makes too much sense not to do it