The Ivy League messed up

Every week Richard texts Bill and myself to figure who deserves to be the Simplest Mind of the Week. Someone who does something so stupid in the sports world the past week that deserves the crown. Yesterday I remembered someone we totally forgot that is making national headlines and i’m here to say i’m sorry.

Lia Thomas is your 200 meter freestyle Women’s National Champion, swimming for the University of Pennsylvania nothing about this would make national attention. Except, what if I told you for the past 3 years at the University of Penn, Lia was competing as Will for the Men’s swimming team. Ranked 554 Will competed against men and was just your average swimmer, not amounting to anything national championships he was just your average male swimmer. After a year of transforming, Will is now Lia and is the best 200 meter women’s swimmer in the country. The question that is being asked around the country, is it ok for someone born a man to transform and compete against women?

We live in a world that if you are different you will be bullied and bullied so much so that a lot of the time people commit suicide because they can’t deal with the stuff going through their head and the harassment they get where they feel not living is the best choice. My whole mindset, especially now having kids is that you are given one chance on this Earth and you should be happy and if that’s marrying the same sex, being transgender, hell growing a tail if that is what’s going to make you happy for the rest of your life here on this earth than I am all for it. The only problem I have with Lia competing against other female swimmers that were born female is that Lia has an advantage before the race even begins. Science will tell you that any man that is a professional athlete will be stronger, faster, more athletic than a woman that is a professional. It’s not being sexist its just fact, if Isiah Thomas decided today that since he can’t make it in the NBA anymore and wanted to transform to being a woman and play in the WNBA he would probably be the best WNBA player in the whole league. This is exactly what’s happening with Lia and her competing against other women. She is faster, stronger and more athletic than any other woman she competes against, Lia has more testosterone and with her transforming she is given extra drugs to help become a woman that is 10x more than the women she competes against, again not sexists just facts.

The way that other schools and the women who place in the swimming events won’t stand on the same podium as Lia as a protest for it not being fair that a person born a male is dominating there sport is dividing a whole nation. Where I stand is that if your birth certificate states you were born a male, than you should only be competing against men. Same with women, Lia is not the fastest women in college, and this will be a topic for years to come with more and more transgenders competing in the women’s ranks.


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