Is the cry baby, flat Earth, What is Government, Fuck Thanksgiving, Kyrie Irving basketball league coming sooner rather than later?

So, Draymond Green decided to shoot his mouth off. Again.

Draymond criticizes the NBA's treatment of players in reaction to the Cavs sitting Andre DrummondGolden State Warriors PF Draymond Green addresses the Clevel...

What the shit is this guy talking about? Please tell me how Andre Drummond was disrespected for being sat on the bench before being traded? Andre Drummond made $399,330.19 last night sitting on the bench in street clothes in anticipation of being traded so he would not get injured.

This has nothing to do with James Harden. James Harden was paid by the Houston Rockets to play basketball. James Harden decided not to honor that agreement that he signed into. Instead he got fat and stuck his face in titties. Is this what this is all about? The staying in shape thing? I mean look we know Draymond has dat booty, does he just want to let it all go? Do we not see a Big Baby future for this dick kicking clown? What is it? Does he have titty envy?


You wanted to be treated with respect? You are glorified across the globe by kids and fans and you make more money then they all do combined. And your responsibility is to earn that admiration and money by showing up when asked, in shape, and playing the game of basketball. Because you are an employee. With an employer. Why don’t you ask the next cleaning woman that comes through your pent house what her professional rights are. I’m sure she would be pissed if her boss told her to take a seat for a week, get paid the same amount of money, oh and by the way we are thinking of sending you to another cleaning agency with better opportunity for growth and success. How dare they.

Here’s an idea, go to Models and buy your self a TF-1000. Call up your boy Kyrie and go play for each other. You can get paid in Krispy Kreme and lap dances and take sabbaticals mid season to argue local politics and the Universe’s plan for the lesser beings. These entitled pricks.


Carson Wentz is the best QB in the NFL, apparently.


The NFL and CTE