Is Tom Wilson the easiest athlete to hate currently?

Honestly who is more hateable right now than Tom Wilson? Lebron? Brady? They are hated because we love to tear done greatness. Tom Wilson is the Vontaze Burfict of the NHL and Jesus, this story just won’t go away. News broke today that the Rangers shit canned their President and GM!? A day after the the organization trashed the NHL’s decision not to suspend Wilson and called for George Parros’ head on a spike? To be fair. It’s the perfect Spike Head kind of face.


On Wednesday’s show I mention that the initial cheap shot by Wilson was not as bad as people made it out to be, but the aftermath afterwards it was like watching a wild dog. The Panari suplex is getting a lot of attention, but just look at that scrum. Wilson is the only one throwing punches. Not just punches. Blind fucking hay makers. The guy is a maniac. And oh is he easy to hate.

The easiest guys to hate are usually the most beloved on their own team, e.i. Marchand. That’s what we’re seeing here. The Caps and their fans have their backs up about their home grown bully which again adds to the hate. Now it’s not just Wilson, it’s Caps fans who are also raging assholes.

It’s bananas that Wilson was not suspended. Whether you think he deserved it or not, my god is the NHL dumb. Wilson’s prior history lends itself to an easy decision here. He’s suspended the rest of the season plus 1 playoff game even and boom! NHL skates clean. Rangers feel like they have gotten some justice and Tommy cunt bag takes a seat for a bit. Again, it just adds to the stewing pot of “fuck you directed at this guy”. Tonight, Washington vs. Rangers = There will be blood. Atta Boy NHL.


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