Mike Gorman made me sad

Mike Gorman, Celtics play by play man for the past, oh I dunno 100 years, made me sad this morning. In an interview with local radio, Gorman rips into the Celtic’s two young stars and their most recent display of suck.

The remarks are stunning from one of the biggest homers in Boston History and am absolute gentleman, to say the least. But, it’s the tone and you can hear it in the way he calls the games this year too. The poor man is dejected. He lost his long time broadcaster partner and friend in Tommy Heinson this year and now he has to watch this bag of trash whip it out on the court every night and embarrass HIS franchise.

As we weed our way through this shit season I am sure of just one thing. I am team Gorman.


i wae’ia


The J’s are All-Stars and the Celtics suck