Jackie MacMullan and Bill Simmons are calling Danny and Brad Goner’s

On Bill Simmons’ podcast the two Celtics fans unleashed their frustrations like the fans they are. In the same way we all have been doing it. Finding a scape goat not named J.


If the Boston Celtics can’t turn things around in the second half of the season, Celtics decision-maker Danny Ainge could soon find himself in a less powerful role — if at all — within the organization, according to Bill Simmons and veteran NBA reporter Jackie MacMullan.

Look, Jackie MacMullan is one of the best sports reporters we have so who am I to question motives. I’m sure she has people in the Celtics organization she talks to, but this was not informed speculation. Same with Bill. Say what you want about him, but he is connected and certainly in Boston. These two were just freaking negging out like the rest of us because we don’t know what else to do.

This is as low as a Celtics team has been since they were chanting Fire Doc at the Garden. We are used to over achieving scrappy teams and untapped talent pushing to ECFs. So after a stretch like we had with the terrible play and even worse attitude and body language everyone is at a lost. I was firing off #firebrad tweets like I was getting paid for it. I even dipped into it’s time to move on from Danny for a second. Because how could you not? When shit goes sideways in that sport it’s management that gets the ax. And sometimes it’s the right move. Sometimes not. Right now, I am still leaning not. And I think if asked directly so would Jackie and Bill. Three reasons.

#1 Jaylen and Jayson have been petulant little spoiled entitled assholes. In particular Tatum with his sulking and “too cool for school” demeanor.

#2 Wyc Grosbeck. Wyc went on with Felger and Mazz and said outright, Brad and Danny are the guys. Oh, and by the way he signed them for some pretty good money.

#3 Covid. I am not one to make excuses. However, if you look for the “why” in this scenario of the Celtics sucking I put the Roster at 1 and closely behind them their leaders and best players. They have not stepped up to the challenge and willed their teams to wins. They have done the opposite of that. But, could it have been better in a normal season? Tatum actually got Covid and missed 2 weeks. The team cant practice. Short off season. No Kemba to start. yada yada yada. Like I said no excuses, but it’s a factor.

So, when it’s all said and done. Unless Danny steps down on his own and Brad takes a job to run Duke, I do not see things changing that drastically. And I don’t think they should.

Unless Danny stands pat and the Celtics continue to blow 4th quarter leads in the playoffs.

- See what I did there. It’s called hedging your bets kids.


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A flood is amidst