The Super Bowl of pro wrestling began last night with Night 1 of WrestleMania. There was only a few matches that I wanted to see on the card for night 1 and the rest I could have cared less about and after watching it I knew I was right.

The Mysterio’s vs Mix and Jake Paul, Drew McIntyre vs Happy Corbin, Charlotte Flair vs Ronda Rousey and the Uso’s vs Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boots could have all been eliminated off the card and would have propelled my good to amazing.

The match of the night for me, Seth Rollins vs Cody Rhodes. The way they built this up for the past few weeks and then making everyone second guess themselves thinking it would be someone other than Cody was great. Fans thinking Shane McMahon, Goldberg, even Bray Wyatt. So the extra long pause we got before Cody came out was spot on for WWE.

For the match itself, A+ in my book. Two of the best workers in the business today going one on one on the grandest stage of them all stole the show. Should have been the main event and that’s where WWE messed up. I think this one was the one match everyone was looking forward too and to close it out could have gotten over huge. Now that they delivered Cody what’s next. Did they give him a CM Punk moment where he can come out on Raw or Smackdown and tell a story on why he left AEW. This mans whole purpose was to compete and end WWE when he started that rival promotion AEW, so from becoming a VP for AEW to now be back is a story that I would listen to for 20 minutes opening segment of Raw.

My other A+ grade goes to Bianca Belair vs Big Time Becky Lynch. Another match that had potential of closing the show. The story going into this was great. Becky Lynch left WWE to give birth of her first child, comes back at Summer Slam as a huge baby face only to heel turn and beat Bianca in 10 seconds. Fast forward to the build up of this match where Becky injures Bianca only for Bianca to get revenge by giving Becky an early 2000’s Lady GaGa hair cut and here we are. Two of the best women wrestlers on the roster going at it with Bianca getting the win and Raw Women’s title.

Here comes the hate, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kevin Owens shouldn’t have ended the show. That “match” was a nostalgic match, for people my age to hear the glass break one more time and to see Austin whop some ass. When Austin was stomping a mud hole on Owens and seeing a 57 year old man struggle I cringed. With the money they paid Austin for this one off I am pretty sure that Vince could have gotten a real, proven star of today to go against Owens who in my eyes is one of the best wrestlers in the world today. You Austin defenders are probably saying, “Hey fat ass who could have Vince gotten to get the same pop as Austin got?” Literally anyone. This match was the biggest disappointment and the only outcome of it is that I hope it propels Kevin Owens back in a title picture because he is that damn good.

Hopefully Night 2 delivers more great matches, yes Rich this is two nights.


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