It’s Friday, as I sat at the dinner table with my family discussing everyone’s day I got up from the table, grabbed my plate and proceeded to make my fourth soft taco. When I returned I noticed a look from my wife like why the fuck are you eating another taco you fat fuck. In my defense its tacos and they are delicious. My question and the ruling I am asking for is, how many tacos are too many tacos?

Let me tell you what I am dealing with. I am a soft taco guy, have been for a long time and they are your standard soft tacos nothing out of the ordinary. Next I layer that bitch with sour cream and chunky salsa that is a solid base that will catch the rest of my items perfectly and my ratio is 60-40 sour cream to salsa. Hamburg with taco seasoning is up next, I usually try to put enough is so I can still fold my soft taco but most of the time it is a huge fail. Lastly I sprinkle lettuce, tomatoes and Mexican cheese and away I go.

Honestly I could hammer down a few more, 6 would be a cut off where I know I will feel like shit soon but they are too good not to deal with the pain and consequences later.


Am I an asshole for not wanting the Seattle Mariner’s CEO’s head on a spike?


No more expansion, Especially you Baseball