No more expansion, Especially you Baseball

This Atlantic article by Eno Sarris is really long and way too complicated for my Simple Mind, but basically it outlines the thought process of baseball expanding into new cities. So look, I am totally on board for bringing pro sports to cities that deserve it. Portland, Nashville, Charlotte are all awesome cities for sports. The fan bases are loyal and extremely proud groups of people. Any city that sells out soccer games should have a baseball team, Portland. Can we just slow down the “expansion” part of it?

It’s just a power play of greed that hurts the game. It dilutes the talent first and foremost. With more teams means more players and more specifically worse players, which means the product is diminished. Plus the team all player each other less which means less rivalry or they expand the season which is the opposite of what they should do. Its 2021. The world is living on Zoom calls and kids drowning in video games. Expanding the game doesn’t have to mean putting a team in every major city in America. Plus, kids root for their favorite player over their local team now more than ever.

“Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.” - Mark Cuban.


If every city in America deserved a team I am all for it, but can we take a good look at the cities that currently have teams who absolutely need to stripped of that right. Jacksonville is the easy one right? Jacksonville sucks so bad they want to ship their ass across the Atlantic just to get out of that cesspool. Tamp Bay is currently Title Town USA with the Lightening and the Bucs winning and Rays making it to the World Series, but come on. The Rays are splitting time in fucking Canada. Yea sure football succeeds almost everywhere except Jacksonville, but hockey teams in the South are treated like county fairs. It’s there and we can go if there is nothing else to do. Just to drink beer get a look at some animals in cages.

The NBA’s greatest sin was moving the Super Sonics out of Seattle. Seattle is an awesome sports town. Oklahoma City? Did someone lose a bet? Phoenix? Phoenix does not deserve a baseball team or hockey team. The fans don’t give a shit! Even the Suns are suspect. It’s Phoenix Arizona. Toss ‘em a pack of wife beaters and some pajamas pants at the local Dollar store and you’re all set. They sit on the concrete stoop suckin’ down Bud Heavies ripping Camels, happy as a clam, Fuck Baseball. Bottom line, teams like the Tampa Bay Rays players and organization deserve better than a 1/4 full stadium of snow cap Red Sox fans.


Freaking baseball. Expansion? How about you expand your audience to anyone under the age of 65 before jacking some stadium tax on the poor citizens of Nashville. How many polls have been taken on Broadway there? Anybody talk to one of the three dozen bike bar bachelorette parties screaming Taylor Swift chugging fuzzy nipples?

“Hey Girls, would you like to attend a 9 hour baseball game in the blistering sun with over priced carb loaded beers? Or barely get dressed and slosh your way through some local townies?”

“OMG! Baseball is sooo fawking booooring!”


The Portland’s of America deserves a team. that is true. Give them one of yours, Phoenix.


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