Little League is taken way too seriously

I need to rant about this since I have been doing it in our group chat with Rich and Bill. My son is 9 and currently is in minors for baseball and loves playing and practicing, I need to emphasize that. If you ever been to a little league game you know the games are very long even thought they are 6 innings, lots of errors and lots of tears. That’s not my problem, my problem is that he has 2 games a week with 2 practices, those practices are between 2 and 2 and a half hours long! My son plays other sports and those practices are an hour to an hour 15 at most. Is this out of the norm to have kids that are 8-10 practice for that long for a town team? I never played baseball but Bill and Rich did and said that this is way too much are they right?


New Music Friday 4


WWE needs a new star