Kyrie broke Danny

The news this morning that GM’s across the NBA are pissed at Danny Ainge for trying to trade Kemba Walker knowing he had a bum knee. Before I rip into Danny here, didn’t literally everyone know he had a bum knee? Like why are teams “mad” at him. I find it hard to believe he was trying to slip one past them (like he did with Isiah Thomas?). Onto the ripping.

What the fuck is Danny Ainge thinking. I’ll tell you one thing, if he bothered returning our calls he would have known that Kemba was a complete non starter as a trade chip. #1, ya he’s 30 with a degenerative knee problem. #2 he makes $30 million a year. #3 and maybe most importantly, in the league run by the players you just signed this guy to a max deal a year ago. You can’t snip snap on Max guys. It’s a players league. You even had Anthony Davis’ Dad coming out and saying the Celtics are off the table because of the way IT was treated. Now, AD’s dad should shut the fuck up, because I don’t blame Danny one bit for that trade with a chance to get a top Point Guard in the league back. Or do I?


It’s no secret my hatred for Kyrie Irving. His “smartest guy in the room”, higher being, sage the fucking court, flat earthing, prima donna, privileged , elitist, douchebag personality is at the top of the list for most hateable in my eyes. That being said, we didn’t quite know that when the trade went down. But, boy did we find out. I believe the trade for Kyrie was THE move in Danny Ainge’s mind. He paired that with the Gordon Hayward signing. Your big 3 was established in Hayward, Horford, and Irving. You had Smart, Brown, and Tatum as the next young wave. You had lottery picks still to come. Things were looking groovy. Then Kyrie happened. Hayward and Kyrie go down with injuries in year own and the kids take Lebron to game 7 ECF. The next season everything starts to unravel. Danny is licking the balls of his stars while the kids are out playing them all wanting their time in the sun.


It was over when Kyrie claimed “Fuck Thanksgiving”. The team has been in turmoil basically ever since. Danny should have traded Kyrie that season. That’s a tough pull with the chance of him coming back sure, but he wasn’t coming back. There is video evidence of him and KD concocting their little docking plan at the All-Star Game. But fine, then that season you have to move on from someone on the bench. Rozier and Morris are the guys. Danny gets cold feet. He needs Kyrie insurance with Rozier.

Then Kyrie up and leaves Boston. Fine Good riddance, but Danny is behind the eight ball with his moves now and in the process loses Horford before letting him know about the Kemba deal. Swing and a miss Danny.

Last season the Celtics desperately needed a move to bolster the bench, but Danny refused to part with fucking Javonte Green because he was so scarred from the chemistry issues. Team stands pat. Glass Gordon gets hurt again, Celtics blow it against the Heat. Strike two.

Onto this most recent off season. He watched the All-Star Gordon Hayward walk out the door for absolutely nothing up to this point. (Fuck your TPE. It will not be a Miles Turner). And now with the team at it’s lowest point in the Brad Stevens Era it seems as though “Trader Danny” can not make a move because of the reckless approach he took with Kemba, and this downward spiral of shit all started with Kyrie. Strike 3?

Kyrie Irving neutered Danny Ainge


P.S. Here’s your solution. Bring it all full circle and sign the King of the Fourth. You’re welcome Danny.


Bathroom Etiquette


My boyish nature is about to royally Disappoint me