The Patriots don’t distrust Mac more than they try to trust Matty P

Was that title confusing? Good. The way the Patriots are handling their offensive duties is confusing. Or is it? The quagmire of the entire situation is simply Skinny Ray aka Matt Patricia. What the fuck is this guy doing as an OC in the NFL? For any other team in the NFL he could barely scrape up an interview for DC never mind switching sides of the ball to a position he has ZERO credibility for. What gives?

That’s the confusing part. That point has been beaten to death, though. As soon as your mental base line for the Patriots lack of dynamism is “Skinny Ray” you can start to make sense of Mac Jones’ struggles. Or the offensive line play in week 1. The Kendrick Bourne benching. The offensive play calling.

The offensive play calling is egregious when you consider who is behind center. No play action, no motion, and deep 50/50 balls on 3rd and short. Can you say 2019 Detroit Lions? Mac Jones is a top 15 pick who handled Josh McDaniels offense to the tune of Rookie of the Year runner up. So, we are flat lining his responsibilities because you don’t trust him? No. The only lack of trust coming from the coaching staff is if Fatty P can trust a fart. All of the mis-trust is pointed in the direction of Patricia. Throw in Belichick if you want, too. Never mind that meat locker Judge. He looks like a jar head reject begging for treats on the offensive sideline.

The entire offense has been stripped down to the studs in order for Patricia to build it back up based on HIS knowledge of SOME system. That’s ludicrous. It doens’t even reflect that fact that even if this beach ball can reach his ceiling we have no idea what that ceiling is other than the fact that more likely than not it’s fit for a Hobbit. No, the Patriots don’t lack trust in Mac Jones. They lack brain power in their coaching staff to keep up with the Jones’ (pun not intended, intended).

Could it work? …. NO. Not in any degree of success. I guess if you win 9 games but average 17 points is that good? Then get curb stomped (not racist) by your division rival in the wild card round. That’s success now?

You can feel the resentment from the players. It’s not even couched. To hear the shit coming out of Foxboro to a normal franchise may be no big deal. But, for Mac to subtly be calling out coaches in seemingly every press conference, Jackobi Myers, I’m sorry un-drafted Jackobi Myers, questioning the scheme. Bourne getting benched, brawls with scrub squads like the Panthers. It’s become unraveled down there.

If you want to point fingers there is one man to point to. Bill Belichick. He decided not to ruffle Nick Saban’s feathers in fear of Bill O’Brian leaving or more closer to the bone, usurping. He also gets credit if it somehow works. I don’t see that happening to any degree of real success. The high mark for this offense is not nearly enough to compete for a Super Bowl and three years after the Brady departure with Bill still in charge that should be the goal. It never will be though. Not with Matty McChicken Fingers holding the laminate.


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