I watched the Tiger doc. Hey, this guy is Fucked up.

I finally got around to watching the Tiger doc. I would recommend it. We all knew that Tiger was a child phenom and his Dad basically Frankenstein’s the greatest golfer the world has ever seen. But, like most documentaries you are given some more information to chew on then you normally would have known. And that was the case for me here.

I’m not going to say I a big golf guy. I’m not. My first game of Golf I played was in college. I wore work boots. As I have gotten older I have learned to enjoy a round with buddies as much as the next guy. Cigar, sunshine, a 12 pack, and pretending to be active? Sign me up. But, I’m certainly not the one who is watching a tournament on TV. Except when it was Tiger. Tiger was like Pedro in his prime for me. Must watch TV. I root for Greatness and not many were as dominant as this man.


The intriguing part for the doc to me were the insights we got when it all the shit hit all the fans for poor old Tiger. Let’s get one thing out of the way. Sex addiction is some wild bull shit some rich asshole made up so he wouldn’t loose half his money to his Gold Digging wife. And now it’s a real “thing”. But here’s what it comes down to for Tiger. The guy is mentally and emotionally stunted and just wired differently. His role model and idol was his father, who by all accounts was a flaming asshole. Where are the Darwin nerds? This is a great nature or nurture study. Or was Darwin survival of the fittest? Does Einstein belong in this science conversation? Jesus, I’m dumb.


Now, the ruthless cheating scandal? That shit is all ego and power. That comes to every man thrust into the public eye with more money than God and worshiped like one. He thought he was invincible and he wasn’t. Come to find out not even on the course. This is the part I latched onto. I was disappointed there was no talk about steroids or HGH because he for sure was pumping like ‘90s Canseco and his body reacted to it. I was the guy who has thought he was faking a lot of this injury shit because he sucked and had all of this pressure around him, but because of my lack of golf knowledge I did not know he dominated like he did in 2009 immediately after the sandal. It was the injury that created the melt down. Full stop. The doc changed my mind. It does make sense. Why would a man so socially and mentally bizarre allow the world’s most famous cheating sandal affect him? No, it was Steroids and literally 40 years of violent motions on his body broke him. Fucking Nature, suck on that Einstein. Darwin? Bill Nye!


Which in hindsight for me makes the 2019 Masters really something special from a Sports perspective. Also, the 2008 US open win with a broken leg should be in the conversation for one of gutsiest sports performance we have seen. The whole pretentious golf thing gets in the way a little here. But whatever. My final verdict? Tiger is severely fucked up in the head. Go Tiger.


Covid is killing off an important industry


I have had some time to think