First and foremost let me start by saying fuck you Rich and fuck you Bill, well mostly Rich because I don’t think Bill even knows we have a website. I know Rich will rip on me but I am thick skinned (fat) and can take his assault. Sunday morning I was surprised by a new Fortnite season and after downloading it one of my biggest pet peeves of the game has been eliminated. No more building, now if you are not familiar with the game you can harvest metal, wood, and brick to build forts but these little shits build these castles in like 2 seconds and make it so they are so high and shoot down on you and you can’t do shit about it and you lose (deep breaths, the therapist told you to take deep breaths).

What this means is that these kids can’t escape the fury of bullets raining down on them anymore. Time for these little shits to grow up and take it like a man. The out loud evil laughing I did while playing with my niece, nephew and son yesterday just made my heart grow (no its not because i’m fat). No more do these little shits have an upper hand on me. All I heard was crying, oh I can’t build, oh I can’t defend my self, yes you can shoot back at them god damnit! I feel like Fortnite is doing this to grab the adults that play COD and trying to make it more like that especially with the new guns that came out in this season.

After all the laughing that I will take from this post I have to say, this season is the best one yet. Nothing like killing 12 year olds and knowing they are throwing their controllers on the other side. Suck it up butter cups.


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