How do lawyers agree to work for crazy assholes

With all the shit going on in the world, we don’t do politics but what happened in Buffalo, New York is disgusting. An 18 year old douche bag driving hours away from his home and shooting up a supermarket trying to kill as many African Americans for what reason no one knows as of now but the thing that bothers and confuses me is these lawyers who agree to defend this cunt who pleaded not guilty!

How the fuck do you plead not guilty after pulling a trigger trying to take out as many people as possible? How can lawyers go along with this shit wasting tax payers money, oh you’re going to say he is crazy? Cool how bout we put this kid in an arena and let the loved ones who lost someone to this dumb cunt do what they want to this guy. It’s not just this guy it goes for any crazy asshole that takes innocent lives for their “purpose”. Fuck these people, hit the gavel and off with their heads don’t let them have a life behind bars where they get 3 meals a day, a place to sleep and rec time. Change the system I know a guy who will click clack these murders for a beer and weed.


New Music Friday 5


You can take the boy out of Duke..