Hey Josh, it’s 2022

The year is 2022, anything you do or say is taken as harassment or feelings are hurt, Josh Donaldson did not get the memo. Over the weekend, Josh Donaldson and the Yankees took on the Chicago White Sox. No big rivalry here so it was odd that benches cleared in the bottom of the 5th.

People thought it was from the push off the bag a couple nights before, or that the two were just jawing back and forth….wrong. Tim Anderson came out and said what the deal is, Josh Donaldson is racist, and called him Jackie.

The Jackie he is referring too is Jackie Robinson, a man who became the first African American baseball player in MLB who was called slurs throughout his time coming up in the big leagues since back then racism was huge. Tim Anderson took Josh calling him Jackie as him calling him the N word. Bad look for Josh and the New York Yankees. In todays society I don’t think Josh will make it out of May with out being suspended or released from the Yankees. They will dig out all his dirty laundry and any indication of him being racist he will be gone. You can’t say that shit in 2022.


Clear Eyes, Full Heart, quit fuckin’ up


Pray for Mac Jones